12. Finally

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Puck gasped, his hand flying up to his mouth at the words. 

"Repeat, what you just say?" he asked, pinching himself on the arm just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. This can't be real, he tought, I'm going to wake up in a second, and Quinn will be on a seperate bed and will still look at me like I'm a stranger....

And Quinn noticed that Puck thought he was dreaming, so she did the one thing that would prove to Puck he was awake. She grabbed Puck's hips and pulled him into a passionate, desperate kiss. 

Puck breathed in sharply, fisting his hands in Quinn's blouse. He relaxed after a few seconds, melting into Quinn and the wonderful kiss. Though they'd kissed since the accident, none of them could compare to this one, filled with desire on both ends. 

"I said I remember everthing" Quinn said in an astonished voice. She gently took Puck's face in her hands, staring intently into those eyes she could finally remember falling in love with at first glance, right where they were standing. "I remember turning around at the sound of your voice" 

Puck emitted a sort of noise between a sob and a laugh as tears streamed down his ecstatic face. Quinn swiped the pads of her thumbs over Puck's cheekbones, wiping the tears away. 

" I remember everything, the days I was in love with Finn, while the day I met you and I deeply fall in love with you, I leave Finn for you, and from there we began our relationship." 

Despite how many times Quinn wiped them away, Puck's tearskept flowing down his cheeks. Quinn had his own tears, tears of joy and love and relief. Puck raised one of his hands to Quinn's, fitting his fingers in between his girlfriend. The other hand stayed rested over Quinn's swift heartbeat, the beat that no longer was mocking her, but reassuring her that her boyfriend was there. 

"I can finally remember when you sat me down and asked me to prom. You picked me up on prom night, and... you told me I looked so beautiful: that it took your breath away. Then we got voted Prom Queen and King. And dancing with you... was the best, night of my life. 

Quinn couldn't resist anymore. Before continuing with her proclamation of love, she leaned in and pressed another kiss to Puck's lips, sighing against them as Puck kissed back with a passion he'd been holding back for so long. When Quinn pulled back with a cross between a large grin and a small, shy smile on her, she continued. 

"I remember that wonderful summer we spent together before our junior year, exploring the new aspects of our relationship, both emotional and physical. I remember the careful touches and soft whispers and those nights we could spend alone. And I especially remember the afternoons under our big tree." Quinn said. 

"I remember the nights out with our friends, Santana, Brittany, Rachel, Finn and even Sebastian and Blaine.. I remember the first time Eli was first bought into Sebastian and Blaine's life. The little angel adopted us as his uncles." She continued. 

Puck couldn't help but to think of that memory, remembering how adorable they should look with a kid of their own. 

"I..." Quinn was especially teary reminscing about the next memory. "I remember when we made love for the very first time, and you made me feel like I was on fire in the best possible way." 

Puck sniffed, remembering everything about that night; Quinn's careful, fingers unbuttoning his shirt, her gentle careless over Puck's skin, the moans and groans and then the whispered "I love you's" as they basked in the after glow. But what he remembered the most about that night was that it felt like he and Quinn becoming one. 

And Quinn just couldn't hold it back anymore. He dove into Puck's arms and buried her face into his shoulder, sobbing tears of absolute joy. Puck held her just as tighty, crying into Puck. 

"I missed you" Puck said desperately. "Good God, I missed you" 

"But I've been with you this whole time, baby" Quinn pointed out. Puck's heart swelled at the term of endearment that he hadn't  heard in forever. 

"No" Puck said shakily, lifting his head so he and Quinn were face to face. "You haven't. Not all of you, anyway. Now, I finally have you back, the girl that I said if she wanted to become my girlfriend, I love that I cuddle and kiss and know that she loves me again" Quinn smiled tenderly, stroking Puck's cheek again. 

"Who said I ever stopped?" He asked. Puck leapt foward, connecting their lips desperately. 

Finally, finally, Puck didn't have to be afraid of kissing or touching his girlfriend. He wrapped his arms around Quinn's neck and pulled her closer, just needing to touch her. Quinn was just as frantic, gripping Puck's face tighter and putting everything she had into that kiss. They pulled apart, breathless but still wanting more. 

"I guess we have all of our friends and family to tell now, huh?" Quinn proposed. Puck shook his head. 

"Tomorrow" He replied. "It's been over a year since I've made love with you, and tonight, I am not sharing you." 

And really could Quinn  protest to that?

As Puck dragged her towards their car, shamelessly and freely interlacing their fingers, he couldn't help but to think  I finally have my life back, so I'm not going to waste it. 

"Puck?" she asked tentatively. Puck turned around with a questioning look. Quinn reached out and took Puck's other hand so they were now facing one another. "I...I want kids" Puck gasped, not sure how to answer. 

"...What?" He was so astonished he could barely say more than that. 

"I...I realized that we lost a lot of time while I was in my coma, and then with no memory, so..I don't want to waste any more time. I..I couldn't think of a better father for my children than you, Puck." 

"Oh, My God...yes, Quinn. Dear God, of course I want to have kids with you!" Puck hugged Quinn earnestly, sighing  contently as Quinn wound her arms around Puck's waist. He couldn't help but to let a few more tears slip down his cheeks. 

Finally, Finally...Everything was alright again. 

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