10. Going Back to McKinley Pt 1

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The next day, Puck never felt more close to her. While their house was 1 hour away, his true home was in Quinn's arms, her lips gingerly pressed over his girlfriend's heartbeat and hisarms around Quinn's waist. 

Quinn in turn had the fingers on one hand tangled in Puck's hair, the other arm wrapped around his shoulders. Puck could feel Quinn's pulsating heart beneath her lips, a glorious sound that anchors him to reality and yet sends her into a love induced nirvana. There was no place he'd rather be. 

Then he remembered that Quinn didn't remembe falling in love with him. The glorious sound from Quinn's heart turned bitter and cold, just mocking him that his heart was right there, but it wasn't his. Not anymore. 

A single tear slipped down his cheeks as he slipped out of Quinn's arms. He gave one last longing look towards her sleeping beauty before leaving the room, shuffling down the stairs and towards a wonderful smell from the kitchen. 

"Morning, Puckster" Sebastian greeted from in front of the stove, a spatula coated with pancake batter in hand. "How'd you sleep?" Puck sighed longingly. 

"Wonderfully" he deadpanned. "It was waking up that was the bad part." 

Sebastian decided not to ask questions he was already sensitive at the moment. He didn't want to get him more upset. 

"Is Quinn still asleep?" She asked while flipping the pancake. 

"Yes" Puck answered simply. He decided to change the subject. "Have you seen, Rachel, Santana or Brittany?"

"Last month we saw Brittana, they were really good, in mind of having kids of their own." Sebastian gushed, pride filling his heart. 

"I'm very proud of them" Puck said with a smile. 

There was a moment of silence before Eli barreled into the kitchen, a hungry look in his eye. 

"FOOD" Eli yelled excitedly. 

"ELI" Sebastian whispered-yelled. "You'll wake the whole house."

"Too late" Blaine said, stumbling into the kitchen while rubbing his tired eyes. "I swear Eli, your appetite keeps increasing with age." 

"As does his volume" Sebastian cut in as he flipped another pancake. 

The last one to enter the kitchen was a tired-looking Quinn. 

"Morning everyone" Quinn greeted, sitting down at the table and rubbing her eyes. "I assume the wonderful smell coming from the stove are blackberry pancakes?" 

"You'd be correct" Sebastian answered, bringing a tall stack of them over to the table. "Everyone dig in" 

Everyone lunged at the pile before Eli could reach it, taking a few pancakes before sitting back down, satisfied. 

"Everyone thinks I'm going to eat all the pancakes, why?" Eli said. 

Before they tried to explain it to him, Eli was finished first, since he was a fiast eater and also had less food than he used to. He darted back upstairs to get ready for the day while everyone else finished their breakfast. 

"That was great Sebastian. Thank you." Quinn said with a charming smile.  Sebastian returned the grin before collecting  everyone's plate, Blaine standing up to help him. 

"Quinn?" Puck said, turning over towards his girlfriend. "We're going out today."

"Where?" Quinn asked. 

"We're going on a trip down memory lane" Puck said. Quinn chuckled. 

"That sounded so cheesy" She commented. 

"Oh, shut up, you" Quinn smiled at her boyfriend before running upstairs, to change her clothes. Puck changed in the bathroom. 

"Alright, let's go" Puck said, dragging  Quinn downstairs and out the door. Quinn shot him a confused look. 

"Where?" Quinn asked. 

"To McKinley High" Puck answered, starting the car and pulling out the driveway

"What's that?" She asked. 

"Where we spent the first two years of high school together, before the accident and we still need two more years." Puck explained. 

"How about my friends from there?" Quinn asked. "Santana and Brittany were the ones I was closest too, right?" 

"Yes, we should see them there, if we aren't too late about it"

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