9. Dinner

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After walking back to their car, Puck change his clothes as well as Quinn. Puck went to change behind a tree and Quinn took the backseat. Thankfully Puck had some jeans and a shirt laying around. When he returned to the car, the sight through the window made his mouth get extremely dry. 

Quinn had slipped on some jeans and now was slipping on some blouse, could see her chest that he hadn't seen in forever and was now aching to touch, there was rain sliding down her bra and in between her breasts. Wow, now Puck's really glad he didn't put on some skinny jeans. 

He averted his lustful gaze in fear of Quinn catching him, thinking of everything from the sting of a slushie in his eyes to Finn Hudson. The last tought finally did it for him and he sighed in relief as his boner went away. He heard the car door close behind him, and he turned with a smile. 

"Ready to head home?" Puck asked. Quinn nodded, climbing  into the passenger side and letting Puck drive. 

"So" Puck began once they'd begun to drive. "There's a few things you should know. Sebastian and Blaine our friends, are visiting as well, they are going to be a little awkward around you because they're not going to know how to act, so don't make an opinion on them too quickly. They loved you, they always have and they just want you to feel confortable. If Sebastian asks you to do a duet for old time sake, or to jostle your memory, say no." 

Quinn chuckled. "That sounds like an... interesting friends" Quinn said in amusement

"Just wait till you meet them." Puck replied. Quinn smiled again, a nice silence falling in the car. 

Puck and Quinn pulled up to a house, unrecognizable to her.

"Alright, let's go" Puck said, sliding up beside her after they'd gotten out of the car. "You ready for this?" 


Together they enter the Anderson-Smythe home... 

And were met with chaos. 

"BLAINE DEVON ANDERSON!! PUT OUR SON DOWN OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL STRANGLE YOU!!" Sebastian shouted, chasing his husband around the living room. Blaine had a small boy in his arms, playing airplane with the giggling little angel. 

"Aww, but he's having fun!" Blaine cood, loving the sound of his son's laugh. 

"I don't care, Blaine! If you drop him, God will help meI will-" Sebastian stop abruptly, seeing an amused Puck with a cocked eyebrow and an awkward Quinn at the door. "Puck! Quinn!" 

Sebastian ran up to them, giving them both hugs before stepping back. Blaine had to put his son down, taking his hand and leading them to the door. The boy's eyes lit up, and a toothless smile graced his features. 

"Uncle Puck, Aunt Quinn!" He said excitedly, running into Puck's awaiting arms. 

"Hey, Eli" Puck said, hugging the boy. "How's my favortie little angel"

"Awesome! Daddy Blaine and I were playing airplane, but Daddy Sebastian was afraid he'd drop me" He explained as-a-matter-of-fact.

"Did he know?" Puck asked in amusement, shooting Sebastian an amused look. "I could see that happening, and we don't want that cute little head of yours all banged up."

"Definitely not" He said. Then he looked at Quinn, jumping from Puck's arms to her's. Quinn gave Puck a look over her shoulder, and Puck gave her a look that clearly said He's too young to understand, prentend you know him!

"Hi, Eli! I've missed you" Quinn said convincingly. 

"I've missed you too, Auntie Quinn! Daddy Blaine says you've been so busy with school and that's why you can't come play spaceship with me as much. I missed that, because Uncle Puck is always the best alien." He said excitedly. 

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