2. Welcome Home

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"W...what?" Puck stammered.

"I asked who you were" Quinn said, still looking at Puck like he was a stranger. Puck felt like his heart was trapped in a vice that was slowly crushing it. 

"Oh my god. Ava she doesn't remember me!" He said frantically, trying to take it all in. This no...

"Dear," Ava said, sitting next to the startled man on the bed. "Tell me your name" 

"Quinn Fabray"

"And what's the date?"

"I...I don't know"

"Do you remember what high school you are in?" Ava asked. Quinn looked frustrated, slamming his palms onto the bed. 

"No.. I don't remember anything!" She shouted angrily. Puck flinched, sadness now in his face faster as Quinn's gaze met his. "Who are you?"

"Quinn... I'm your boyfriend" Quinn's eyes widened in disbelief and shoock before she seemed to contain herself. 

"I... I have a boyfriend?" She asked. 

"Yes, Quinn, yes. We met in school and we've been together for two years now. And now... now this happen!" Puck shouted angrily, unable to control himself. He let his fist go, watching it fly into the wall. The adrenaline wore off, however, so he cradled his bruised knuckles in pain. "Ugh" 

"Puck, honey, please calm down" Ava begged. 

"No, no this can't be happening! I'm... I'm just having a nightmare! Yes, that must be it. I'm going to wake up in our bed that'll still feel so empty a-and Quinn will still be in a c-coma.. and when she wakes up, she'll remember me! She has to remember me..." Puck voice faded, broke as he sunk to the floor grabbing his hand, his knees drawn to his chest. 

"Puck, please listen to me! You're OK. Quinn is OK. Her memory might come back, please..." Ava begged desperately. Only one of those words convinced him to lift his head from his hands. 

"Might? There's a chance she'll... forget me forever?" Puck asked,  his voice chocked with the tears he was holding back. It was the lack of an answer from Ava that told Puck everything he needed to know; Quinn might never remember him. "No...that....how much of a chance?"

"I don't know. It's hard to say" Ava said, her eyes failing to meet Puck's eyes because she knew the look in his eyes would be too much for her to handle, and neither of them could help Quinn if they were blubbering like children. 

"Yeah, um, can someone tell me what's going on here?" Quinn called from the bed, looking slightly annoyed. Puck sighed, walking over to the bed and sitting down, refraining from taking Quinn's hand. He wasn't sure how Quinn would react to that. 

"My name is Noah Puckerman. Your name is Quinn Fabray, we met in school and since then we got some money and got together an apartment and since then we have been living together. A year ago, we went to a halloween trip with Mr. Schu and Sebastian and Blaine and something terrible happen there. I don't want to get into many details cause for me it's still hurtful, I recovered but you've been in a coma ever since, and now you have amnesia that may or may not go away. All you may ever remember about the first 17 years of your life is your name" Puck said it bitterly, tears dripping. 

"This...is alot to take in at the moment. Um.. when can I leave?" She asked Ava. 

"Soon, since you only have some bad bruises. Everything else healed during the year you were out" 

"Where will I go?" Quinn asked. 

"With me, of course" Puck said, wiping his eyes. "You may not remember it, but we have the apartment a ways from here" 

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