4. A Promise Below The Stars

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After Frannie and Barry left, Quinn seemed to be in much better mood, but Puck was even more down of the mood than she was. Why couldn't she remember him? Why only Frannie?

"Quinn?" He called out from the living room. "Can you come in here please?" 

"Yeah? What's up?" She asked, her eyes, though tired, always bright and happy.

"When did your grandfather died?" Puck asked carefully, not wanting to get a bad reaction from her. 

"When I was fifteen," Quinn said mournful, a faraway look in her eyes. Puck patted Quinn's hand before pulling back. 

Two years. Two damn fucking years of memories that if Quinn could get back, she would at least remember meeting Puck. That's all Puck was asking for; the slightest inkling of a memory of him to just find it's way to Quinn's mind. 

"And you remember everything beofre that?" Puck asked. 

"Yes" Quinn whispered. 

"Tell me about your life. Want to hear every little detail, even stuff I already know" Puck said, sitting in front of her with crossed arms. 

And so Quinn did. He told Puck everything she remembered, how her sister always babysat her as a child when their parents weren't home. She told him about how his dad wasn't always at home when grewing up cause he was always at work, which shed a tear on Puck. She told him that her life was miserable when going to middle school cause she used to be overweight and people called her nicknames like 'Lucy Caboosey' and her mother supported her to re-inventing herself and moved to a new school. Quinn smiled at the moment she mention her mother, she always was giving her encouragement when the bullying got tough. 

Then her grandfather died, and she was the one giving her mother encouragement. It was a very good relationship of mutual love. That's all she remember. 

She didn't remember that her mother moved to a new city with a new boyfriend cause her father cheated on her. Puck had heard the story before, but Quinn couldn't remember it. Did he have the heart to tell her?

He then realized he had to; there was no benefit of keeping memories from Quinn. 

"Quinn.." Puck began. "before you had your accident...your mom had already moved to a new city... with a new boyfriend she knew at the 2011 National Show Choir Championship in New York.. because your dad cheated on her with another." 

The tears returned immediately, Quinn began to free-flow. 

"What?" She whispered, not seeming to comprehend and definitely not wanting to. 

"You were sad, the first days, but then you comprehend that it was the right choice that your dad leave." Puck said.

"N-No that's not possible. We were a happy family, we are a happy family, because they are till together" Quinn shouted, her hands clenching into fists. 

"But they are separated" Puck murmured suddenly. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this again Quinn. I'm so sorry that I have to tell you and that you can't remember... but you will, i'm sure of it" 

"And if I don't?" Quinn shouted angrily. She jumped up from the couch, pacing. "What if I never do get my memory back? What if I can't remember my father's face, or my sister's wedding? What if I'll never be able to remember when I met you, or who my friends are, or my entire life? What if it never comes back to me, Puck? Then what?"

Puck was in shook, hand over his heart and tears now flowing, before he stood up and walked towards Quinn, grasping her shoulders so their eyes met. 

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