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Izuku POV

I was woken up suddenly by the sound of my mom throwing up in the bathroom, Ochaco was still asleep so I decided to silently get up out of bed trying not to wake her and head down stairs. Once I leave my room I hear All Might's voice from the downstairs bathroom, he was talking to my mom and asking her why she was sick all of a sudden. I get downstairs and I head to the bathroom where All Might was holding my mother's hair back and she was throwing up into the toilet, after her sick episode, All Might leaves the bathroom to allow my mom to brush her teeth and get ready for today. I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and an apple from the fridge.

Me: How'd my mom get sick? Was it something she ate?

All Might: I don't know Izuku, if you ask me I think she just ate something foul she'll probably be fine in a couple days.

Ochaco: What's going on? Who's sick?

Me: My mom was throwing up this morning, we think she ate something bad yesterday. I say taking a sip from my water bottle

Ochaco: I don't think that's why Izu~

All Might: Then what do you think the reason is Young Uraraka?

Ochaco: All Might, please call me Ochaco, and you probably should go ring shopping because I believe that Ms. Midoriya is pregnant!

Once Ochaco says this my mom swings the door to the bathroom open wide eyed with tears of joy cascading down her face looking at All Might, I spit take all the water I was drinking at Ochaco on accident, and All Might falls flat on his face because he passed out. I quickly grab a towel for Ochaco and apologize for accidentally spitting on her, my mom tries to resuscitate All Might while having a mini panic attack at the fact that she is pregnant. Once we manage to wake him up my mom tackles him to the floor hugging him crying tears of joy, Ochaco and I laugh at her reaction then All Might looks to me and gives me a look saying 'let's talk this is important' after my mom gets off of him, she calls Ochaco to the kitchen with her to start making breakfast while me and All Might go to talk in my room privately.

All Might: Well, that was one way to start off a morning... Izuku, what do you think about all this?

Me: Its great! I'm going to be an older brother and I am finally going to have a dad!

All Might: Well, I think it's about time I retire... Izuku the UA sports festival is coming up soon and I am going to make my retirement public on that day so I can marry your mother and raise our child... and I want you to announce that you are my successor in your speech since you are the freshmen representative Bakugou lost that title when he killed you.

Me: Well, this is a lot to take in... are you going to tell them why you are retiring, because of my Mom?

All Might: No, if I did that villains would target our family, doing that would put you all in danger.

Me: what do you think I should say in the speech, I can't just blatantly say that I am your successor

All Might: you just need to tell the world that "I AM HERE" and I think you'll do fine.

Me: actually, I have an idea... but you'll just need to wait and see what I have to say about my speech. Do you mind me telling Ochaco about One for All? You have told some of your closest friends like RG and Nedzu so I was wondering if I could do the same.

All Might: Yes... only Ochaco since she is your lover, but you must make abundantly clear that she can tell No one.

We leave my room and head to the kitchen where Ochaco and my mom had just finished making omelets, as we sit down to eat Ochaco jumps I to my lap. While we are eating All Might looks up from his food and begins to speak.

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