Finals pt1

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(A/N All the other fights aside from these are the same as the anime and mostly because the author is to lazy to do it a different way and he's behind on several updates.)

The class stood in shock staring at their teachers turns adversaries, but the person who was the most nervous was Ochako. She was up against her favorite hero who's quirk is the complete opposite of her own. 13's quirk is Black Hole and Ochako's is Zero Gravity, the first being absolute gravity itself and the other is the lack thereof. Unbeknownst to the rest of the class she had an ace up her skin tight sleeve and it came in the form of a solid gold ring with the shape of a Dragon's skull breathing an eternal seemingly harmless green flame adorned on her left ring finger. Her soon to be husband Izuku had mentioned the fact that the ring gave her a link to his soul effectively making her immortal and giving her access to most of his powers that he allows her to use. Some of his abilities could be very harmful to her even though she was immortal she could still be hollowfied if she was attacked by a vasto class hollow.

The class breaks into their respective teams and heads to their fake cities that they have to fight their pros in. Ochako's ally was Aoyama, whose hero costume made him look like a 17th century knight in shining armour that also wore a pair of fancy sunglasses. She couldn't tell if it was the twins in her stomach or if it was her nerves but she was starting to feel uneasy and it wasn't her normal morning sickness. The feeling of uneasiness grew as she began to walk with her ally into the training facility with Aoyama to take the practical portion of the final exam. Izuku watched as his pregnant fiance walked into the training facility and began to channel his spiritual pressure through the link to Ochako to try to calm her nerves feeling his reishi right there with her. The rest of the class heads to the observation room where all the pros are waiting for their turns to fight the students they activate the surveillance system allowing them to view the battle before telling them to begin.

13 vs. Team Enlightened Gravity

Felling Izuku's reishi with her, Ochako and Aoyama quickly attempt to formulate a plan behind cover about the task at hand. Their monologuing is cut short and abruptly so when 13 makes themself known by activating their black hole quirk tearing down their hiding spot causing the two to try to make their escape away from the rescue hero. 13 walks at a leisurely pace after the two, periodically using their quirk to pull them back towards the hero. Aoyama turns to face off against 13 shooting his naval laser at the hero trying to strike them but the beam of light is sucked into the black hole that 13 creates rendering his quirk useless against 13.

Eventually, Ochako and Aoyama end up getting cornered by the rescue hero and hanging on for dear life on a arm rail near a staircase, while the rescue hero turns up the force of the black hole that they are using through their fingertip. Realizing that they against a rock and an eternal black void, Aoyama turns to Ochako who is muttering to herself before asking about Izuku.

"So, you're probably thinking what Midoriya is doing in this situation right?" Aoyama asks looking at Ochako as his glasses are taken off his face and sucked into 13's black hole.

"Yeah... Izuku would be able to come up with a tactic against anyone so I was thinking what would he do." Ochako answers looking at the ring on her left hand.

"You're very lucky to have someone to give you everything in this world. He's already a pro, and has given you two undoubtedly adorable children. What else has he done for you?" Aoyama asks gazing at the ring on her hand.

"I don't know how this helps out with our problem Aoyama... But he did give me this!" Ochako says letting go of her left hand and making a fist at 13.

Suddenly the green flame burning atop the ring vanishes and a red light starts to swirl into a large sphere in front of the mouth of the dragon skull. The sphere grows to almost a meter in diameter humming with the sound of it's pure reishi. When it finishes growing to its max size, Ochako makes a slight punching motion with her left hand causing the Cero blast to be fired at 13 striking the ground in front of the rescue hero sending them flying several meters backwards from the explosion allowing the pair to run over to 13 and cuff them with the detainment cuffs that they were given before the exam began. Present Mic announces that they have passed the exam before having them return to the observation room.

Getting back to the observation room, Ochako gets swarmed by the class asking how she can use Izuku's powers. In response Ochako lifts up her hand and shows them the ring on her left ring finger. Izuku just cracks a smile before hugging Ochako from behind and placing his hands on her stomach, the other members of the class give him an inquisitive look before he explains what the soul link does.

"Remember that said the ring was special? The ring links her soul and my children's souls with my own. Giving them Immortality and unlimited access to my powers. She can breathe fire, create Ceros and even use the Sonido but the one thing I can not allow her to do is use my resurrections or use the Descorrer." Izuku explains showing off some of his abilities.

"What was this new technique you were talking about the other day?" Shouto asks walking over to them with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a secret, but you'll see when I have to battle all the pros and have Yaomomo make some special glasses that allow you all to view a Solar Eclipse." Izuku says in a cryptic manner before heading down to see Bakugou so that they may begin their exam.

All Might Vs. Team Nuclear Smash

Izuku and Bakugou make their way down to Test City B where they had the battle training just 6 months ago. Passing by the same building where they almost killed each other gave chills to Katsuki as they passed the building. Once they were in the middle of the street, Midnight fired the starting pistol and without warning a massive gust of typhoon force winds comes barreling down the street toward the pair of them. Bakugou gets blown back quite aways but Izuku just stands there with the debris flying past him with a bored expression on his face. The wind dies down and Izuku says the immortal word, "Ok." before continuing to walk down what's left of the highway. At the very end in front of the exit with Nedzu's face on it is All Might standing there doing a Jojo pose.

"Who cares about the city, you two are supposed to be stopping me. Has Nedzu told you which quirk you're aloud to use?" All Might asks before getting ready another punch.

"Yep... You know exactly which one." Izuku says before green lightning torrents off his body and into the surrounding air, before either of them could do anything Bakugou comes flying in at the pair of them screaming like a psychopath before setting off an explosion in All Might's face.

All Might back pedals slightly before grabbing bakugou's arm and throwing him back at Izuku who had lunged at All Might once Bakugou started the attack. AM essentially used Bakugou to smash into Midoriya before throwing said blond boom boi through a building. Izuku reactivates his full cowling going to 50% matching All Might's power before coming back into the fray. Izuku throws a detroit smash from a distance sending that same gust of wind from the beginning back at All Might before kicking up his percentage even higher to 60% going on the offensive not giving All Might any time to recover from the air force. Bakugou manages to get back to the highway but this time his gauntlets are charged, he pulls the pin on his left on sending a massive explosion at All Might who is forced to evade but gets hit by Izuku on his left sending him flying into the steel wall of the fake city.

Bakugou makes a break for the exit thinking that All Might was down for the count, AM manages to free himself from the steel wall before leaping back down to stop Bakugou from escaping the arena. Bakugou gets trapped by a metal guard rail that All Might ripped out of the ground to pin him against the pavement, but he doesn't remain pinned for long. Izuku activates 100% of his power and practically vanishes delivering a thunderous punch to ALl Might's jaw sending him flying to the other side of the arena allowing Izuku to free his old friend and the two to exit the arena together.

Deku the Dragon of the North Vs. All UA Pros.

Izuku makes his way into the gamma city surrounded by the massive jungle of metal tubing and concrete, He begins to channel his reishi ascending into his Espada form before the announcement is made for the battle to begin. Wasting no time, Izuku spreads his skeletal dragon wings and draws his sword from his left side before flying high into the sky so that the sun is exactly at his back. He looks down at the 15 pro heroes he has to fight for his final exam before raising the katana high into the air. With black reishi surrounding him he utters one simple phrase.

"Dawn of the endless Night... Kaikishoku (Infinite Eclipse)." Izuku says as suddenly the moon can be seen darting across the sky following the point of Izuku's index finger until it covers the sun turning Day into Night.

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