Eri Midoriya

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Todoroki and Izuku meet behind the school where Todoroki brings attention to a particular thing that has been bugging him ever since he saw Izuku's power first hand.

Todoroki: Listen Midoriya, your power that you have is very similar if not the same as All Might's are you sure you are not his secret love child or something?

Izuku: Look, I told you that my biological father is a villain... but, I want to tell you something that you must keep secret.

Todoroki: and that is? What that man whose dating your mom is All Might? I already knew that I heard him call you Young Midoriya, All Might is the only person who calls us Young.

Izuku: Yes, he is All Might, but there is something that we found out this morning. My mother is pregnant and Yagi is going to marry her soon.

Todoroki: Well, congrats then... you may know that my father is Endeavor the number two hero, but as I see it he's no hero he's more a villain. He beat me, my mother and my siblings and at the festival I'm going to denounce the Todoroki name and adopt the Toshinori name.

Izuku: Well, if that's the case then you should start calling me your brother. I'll see you at the festival I'm going to train for it, you better bring your A game cause I'm fire proof so you better use your full power or I'm going to use my Cero on you off the bat so go all out.

Ukuzi: Bring it Ice Cube! I want you to give me a bath of fire and if you don't go all out I will

Todoroki: Now that you said that you're going down Midoriya.

Todoroki leaves with a blank expression on his face and Izuku pushes an invisible button in the air opens a black portal and transports himself directly to Ochaco.

Ochaco: so, what did he say Izu~

Izuku: he wanted to know if All Might was my biological father.

Ochaco: What did you say? And can I stay with you from now on? I live alone and since I'm with you it's become unbearable being alone.

Izuku: I told him that he will be marrying my mom, my mom is expecting a child with him as well. Ochaco, we will be sharing a dorm so I don't see why not, my parents will probably be fine with you living with me until we get into the dorms, c'mon lets go find Nedzu and go home and train for the festival.

Izuku POV

Ochaco and I walk around UA for a while before we decide to go to Principle Nedzu's office. We knock on his door and soon we are greeted by a short white mouse, bear, cat thing, he invites us into the office and we sit at his desk. He takes a sip from his cup of tea and offers us some before asking why we have stopped by.

Nedzu: Ah, Midoriya, what can I do for the future son of All Might.

Me: Wait you knew?

Nedzu: Yes, I even gave him a name idea for if he had a son with your Mother

Izuku: Oh, well thank you I'm sure my little brother or sister will be very powerful, Ochaco and I want to ask you something regarding the dorms.

Nedzu: And that would be?

Ochaco: w-we were wondering i-if we could s-s-share a d-dorm

Nedzu: I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline that offer, we can't allow students of opposite genders to share a dorm we don't want you getting pregnant now Ochaco.

Ukuzi: I think you may need some persuasion... you see I am tied to Izuku's emotions so if anything were to happen to queen here... let's just say it won't be pretty. The more time Izuku is away from Ochaco the more unstable his emotions get due to the fact that he is always thinking of her wellbeing, this instability multiplies the chance I have of going on a rampage because king likes to bottle up his emotions leading to him snapping and going off on someone or thing you remember USJ don't you... We are the strongest student at UA so I implore that you reconsider that decision.

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