Arrival at the Training Camp

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The wild wild pussy cats were surprised to see a rift open in thin air and the entirety of class 1-A walk through the portal. Izuku at the front with a smile on his face having been the one to create said portal. He closes the garganta behind them and they await instructions on what to do next. Aizawa just sighs knowing that the pussy cats had no idea that Izuku was capable of not only flight but pretty much every other transportation type ability under the sun. Ragdoll, Mandalay and Pixie Bob just stare slack jawed as Izuku walked over to Ochako and wraps her up in his arms.

"What... was that?! We expected it to take you guys 3 hours minimum to get through the forest and you did it in 10 minutes. We literally just got here and as soon as we get out of the limousine a black portal rips open reality and you lot walk out of it." Tiger says staring at the class looking for answers, the only answer he gets is Izuku manifesting his mask in his left hand before it disappears.

"I forgot to mention that Problem child aka Midoriya Izuku has a very strange quirk he calls Draconic Hollowfication. It basically turns him into the ghost of a dragon and he's capable of all sorts of other worldly shit." Aizawa explains as the others just stare at him in amazement.

"Mama Likey~" Pixie bob says biting her bottom lip staring at the green haired cinnamon roll. "Izuku you say? Why don't you give me some little kittens." She says causing Ochako to get mad.

"Pixie Bob control yourself. He is the father to Uraraka Ochako's children and has proposed to her. Now You all are here to train your quirks, your bodies have adapted to the difficulty of the hero course but aside from Midoriya's none of your quirks have broken past their limits. Bakugou? Throw this." Aizawa says as he goes from scolding Pixie-bob to addressing his class and unceremoniously throws Bakugou the same ball from the entrance exam.

"Our quirks haven't gotten stronger?! Bullshit! Not counting dragon boy Deku I'm the strongest in the class damnit! I'll prove him wrong!!!" Bakugou thinks to himself as he rolls his shoulder before throwing the ball with a massive explosion towards the horizon leaving a smoke trail behind it as it disappears in the sky.

"Like I said, your quirks haven't broken their limits and that's what we're here to do. Yours only increased in power by 4% from your original score of 728m. 757.12 meters, you all have some serious work to do." Aizawa says with a sly grin as Katsuki's face shows a look of shock.

"I have a question then... whos the brat?" Katsuki remarks getting most of the class including little Eri to face palm hearing this. The kid that he is referring to is a young boy that looks around Eri's age with a similar hairstyle to Bakugou's just with black hair and brown eyes. Similar to Bakugou he has a scowl on his face seeing the heroes in front of him.

"His name is Kota, and I take care of him here, he's my nephew." Mandalay responds as Izuku makes the mistake of trying to shake his hand but ends up getting punched in the dick by the small child. Iida starts yelling at Kota with Ochako sighing to herself.

"Well, we are already having two kids and I think that's enough." She says under her breath seeing her fiance get punched.

"Good kid." Bakugou replies before shouting at Todoroki for a response he said to the explodo blonde.

"Well you all might as well get settled in and we will start to prepare food for you all but this is the only meal we are making for you guys so for the rest of the time here you are on your own. Well aside from Uraraka and Eri." Ragdoll says as the students make their way inside the facility they have out there.

After lunch the students begin a light training session seeing as the main session starts tomorrow for them. Some are jogging around the facility others are practicing with their quirks and Izuku is practicing using his sword in combat as Ochako watches. He draws his blade slightly from his sheath before putting it back as a pine tree is reduced to logs in less than a second. Ochako claps seeing him do this as he collects all the logs and moves them aside to be used later. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Kota glaring at the other students for some reason and makes a mental note to ask why that is the case later. At one point he even heard the boy mutter something about them being stupid for wanting to be heroes which raised a red flag for the ninth user. After the training session is all said and done, the students retire to the hot springs the facility has for them. Eri being allowed to go first before everyone and then going to go play with Kota and try to chear him up.

"It's a good thing we don't have Mineta here, he probably would have tried to climb the wall by now." Kirishima says as he looks at the large wooden fence that separates the men's and women's bathing springs.

"Wouldn't doubt Bakugou or Kaminari trying to climb it to peak at their girlfriends on the other side either. Though Midoriya has been staring at one spot in particular for quite some time now." Todoroki says seeing Izuku look off at a specific point on the wall thts in the water on their side.

"It's probably where round face is, he's got all sorts of freaky powers so I wouldn't be surprised if he could see her through that fence. Fuckin perv." Bakugou remarks before a green cero is fire towards his direction skimming his hair leaving it singed. This sends a very clear message to him telling him to shut up.

"I wonder what the girls are doing over there, they're probably commenting on Ochako's pregnancy and how it's coming along. She's entering her third trimester here soon and I'm starting to get nervous." Izuku says still staring at the specific point on the wall.

"Dude you've been staring there for like twenty minutes what's so interesting about wood?" Kirishima asks as he follows Deku's line of sight to a knot in the wood.

"On the other side where I am staring is Ochako, I felt something waver in her spiritual pressure and I was watching to make sure that she is okay. It feels like she is nervous for some reason perhaps a bad omen of sorts." He replies as he stares at the three soul ribbons coming from Ochako's body the two from her abdomen being clear and defined but still forming.

"She's probably feeling that way because she can feel you staring at her you do have that soul link right? Then that's why she's nervous because you can't keep your eyes off her, even when she's taking a bath." Serro teases causing Izuku's face to turn red hearing this as he tries to deny it.

"Here if it makes you feel any better, I'm gonna go to the top and ask if she's doing okay." Kaminari says as he gets out of the pool, wraps a towel around his waist and then goes over to the wall before staring to climb it.

"Wait a second, how is he able to climb a flat surface like that? He's too skinny to be doing it with sheer muscle." Todoroki asks as Iida starts hand chopping and shouting at Kaminari.

"It's because of his quirk, he controls electricity right? That means he's a constant battery with it coursing through his body. Even though wood isn't a conductor of electricity water is and he's using the residual moisture on the wood to cling to via static electricity. You know how plastic sometimes sticks to your hand even when you're not touching it? It's the same principle." Izuku explains as the others nod in agreement before realising something.

"Did we just let the other class pervert climb the fence separating our side from the girl's side where our girlfriends are bathing naked." Todoroki says just as Kaminari reaches the top of the wall.

"Learn to be a good person before learing to be a hero." Kota says as he smacks Kaminari off the wall.

"Thanks Kota!!" Mina exclaims, he turns around and sees the girls on the otherside before promptly passing out, before anyone can react Izuku had vanished and caught him before he could get hurt.

"I think it's time I head back inside, I need to tell mandalay what had happened." Izuku says as he brings Kota back inside the facility.

"So... did any of you even see him move?" Bakugou asks looking at where Izuku was once sitting and noticing the water isn't even disturbed.

"Nope." They all reply in unison before returning to their conversations with one another. 

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