Water Sports and Trip to the Training Camp

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A week after the final exams, Ochako has begun her second trimester of her pregnancy. This has lead to all sorts of strange cravings and mood swings that the others in the dorms either thought that it was hilarious or scary. Izuku is over the moon about their twins and so is Ukuzi whos taken it upon himself to declare that he is the one who will be training them to harness their powers when they are born. But that's quite some time away and now we find Ochako and Izuku in their dorms enjoying the saturday when Izuku gets a text from Shinso and Kaminari about heading to the pool.

Izuku kisses Ochako on the forehead and gets up from their bed and heading down stairs to see what his friends want. Getting down there he finds Kirishima being held back by Katsuki, Kaminari and Sero from attacking Mineta who had come by the dorms to train with Deku that morning. Mineta had made an off comment about Mina's booty shorts causing Kirishima to go off at him. Izuku stares at the five of them with a deadpan expression on his face. Putting an end to the escapades of that morning, Deku walks over to Mineta and grabs him by the head before walking off and outside to tell him that to meet him in the gym at 3 that afternoon to train. He walks back inside to see Kirishima holding Mina in his arms and petting her hair glaring at anyone who got too close to her.

"So... that happened, anyways Kaminari what did you want to see me about?" Izuku asks before heading to the kitchen to prepare Ochako one of her morning cravings, which consisted of Pretzels and Mustard, cheesecake and pickles, and Chinese Cabbage with Mochi.

"Well, I was thinking that since it's summer we could go spend some time training in the pool outside the gym. We want you to help us get the 'Ok' from Aizawa to use it." Kaminari responds with a cheeky grin with a secret plan to see the girls in their swimsuits.

"Well it would be a good exercise for training, but you do know that there are school issue swimsuits for everyone right? Eh whatever it'll be fun and Ochako would enjoy it as well." Izuku says before heading upstairs to his room to give Ochako her cravings for that morning.

"Wow he shot down your plan without even knowing that was your entire motive behind it." Kirishima says laughing at Kaminari who now looks disappointed that his plan has been foiled. "Between you and me, it makes their ass look great so keep your eyes on Kyouka while we're out there." he says elbowing Kaminari's shoulder with a wink.

Time Skip:

After talking with Aizawa about using the pool, the members of class 1-A head down to the olympic sized pool to begin their fun. Izuku heads down holding Ochako's hand as they walked to the pool with most of their classmates with their significant other. Once there they begin to stretch before entering the pool. Kaminari was late and Mineta had come along since Izuku had told him that they were training at the pool. The catch for Mineta was that if Izuku caught him looking at the girls he was going to blind fold him. That being said it didn't stop the two perverts from running up to the pool expecting to see the girls in bikinis but were actually in their school issue swim-suits which Mineta still liked.

"Ah there you two are, we've been waiting for you to get here. Come on we need to stretch before getting in the water." Iida says as he walks up to the pair and drags them to the guys side to finish their stretches before they enter the pool.

"Noooo!" They scream being quite literally dragged over there by the human race car.

After playing with in the pool for quite some time and playing pool volleyball, Mina had an idea for another fun activity that they can do. "Hey! I have an idea! Let's have a race! Since we're at UA, we're allowed to use quirks so this should be fun!" Mina exclaims happily as the others cheer in agreement to the race.

"We need to set up some rules firs-" Iida begins but is cut off by Kaminari, Mineta Aoyama, Sero, and Bakugou lining up to the first end of the pool and Mina counting down for them to start.

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