Rewarded instead of Punished?! Ochako Has 3 soul ribbons?!

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Izuku POV:

As the Noumu crashes to the ground I am released from its grasp also crash landing in front of Iida who had managed to stand back up and Shouto, who is currently tying up Stain. Endeavor comes around the corner trying to see what all the commotion was, only for me to start screaming for him to get out of the way because I'm not able to summon my wings in time. "Get out of the way!!! I can't stop in time!!!" I screamed before barreling into him at terminal velocity leaving a small crater in my wake and knocking him out on accident. "That had to look like it hurt... Sucks to be him." Shouto said stifling a laugh at Endeavor's expense as I climb out of the hole. "Note to self... Pro-heroes don't make good landing pads... Ouch." "You good Iida?" "Yeah, aside from almost becoming anemic from lack of blood and The broken bones, I'm good." Iida groans out sarcastically "Oh Glad you're okay." Shouto replies. "Shouto, He was being sarcastic." I say giving him a deadpan expression. "Oh, Well let's get him bandaged up and Stain to the police, I already alerted them they'll be here soon."

Soon the police arrive and Iida is taken in an ambulance, Gran Torino arrives shortly after seeing Stain get taken into the back of a police cruiser. GT then starts shouting at me and hitting me over the head with his cane before a Detective comes over and talks to us. "You Fool! What were you thinking!!!" "*thunk* Ow *thunk* Ow *thunk* Ow! Quit it! Iida was in trouble! What was I supposed to do?! Let him get stabbed?! Stop hitting me with that stupid cane already before I snap it!" "You Should have rescued him! Not go off and fight the Anti Hero Stain! Iida could have bled out in the time it took you to beat the tar out of him!" "Fine *Thunk* Stop It!" I yell trying to snatch the cane from him but getting hit again. "Excuse me, Gran Torino, and Intern, I am Detective Tsukauchi, Mind filling me in on what has happened here?" "No problem Detective but Deku here is my temporary sidekick." GT responded to Tsukauchi "I was chasing after a noumu that had destroyed the train, I sensed Iida's life force with my powers and I found Stain attempting to kill him. I fought and defeated stain without being scratched and I defeated the winged Noumu and crash landed of Endeavor here." I said motioning to the unconscious (fake) hero on the ground. "Well, let's continue this at the hospital so I can get Iida's point of view on this." Tsukauchi said as we headed to the Hospital to talk to Iida.As we arrive at the hospital, we find Iida out cold in one of the cots after going through several blood transfusions and a hundreds of stitches to stop the bleeding from his deep lacerations. "Well It seems I will be having to wait until he gets up, Oh well. Midoriya you probably should stay and wait until the chief of police arrives he would like to speak with you. He told me while I was driving over here." "Sure, I'll let My mother know and Ochako that I will be staying here overnight and that I fought and defeated stain." I say before pulling out my phone and making a couple of calls.

Time Skip

"Good morning Gentleman I am Tsuragamae Kenji, Woof, I would like to speak to you about yesterday's events and I have some special news for Deku regarding the defeat and capture of Stain and the winged Noumu. Iida can you please tell me why you tried to fight stain by yourself?" The chief of police who has the head of a dog asks Iida and Myself shortly after we had woken up this morning. "Stain attacked my older brother and now he's paralysed from the waist down and he has to retire from hero work, I just wanted-" "Revenge? That's only natural if someone hurts a family member." Tsukauchi adds cutting off Iida mid sentence. "Sir? What do you want to talk to me about?" I ask trying to resist every urge I have to pet him and the cat policemen that had walked in the room as well. "Ah yes, Midoriya-kun, Woof. As a token of appreciation for taking down the Anti-Hero Stain the Hero Association has decided to award you with a Pro Hero license and salary amongst pro's Congratulations, Woof, You are the youngest pro in history and have done us a great service in taking down Stain." Tsuragamae says pulling out his wallet and handing me a license with my hero name and description on it. "Professional License of the Pro hero Deku: The Dragon of the North" Was written on the front of the card with a picture of myself in my Espada form that I have no idea as to how they had gotten a hold of a picture since the stain fight was the first time I used the Espada form, It's probably because the Author is lazy and didn't want to go back and write how the got the picture. "Iida-Kun, We are covering all medical fees that you or your older brother Tensei may have. We are sorry for what the Anti-Hero as done to your family and as such you and the now Pro-Hero Deku will be getting credit along with Shouto Toshinori for the defeat of the Anti-Hero." Tsuragamae says kindly to Iida as Iida attempts to stand up and bow only to be told not to by the nurse in the room changing his IV unit. Soon the police men leave, allowing Iida to thank me for saving his help and then congratulated me for getting my Hero license. "Midoriya... Thank you for saving my life, I was being stupid giving into my rage against him for hurting my brother. And congratulations on becoming a pro hero." "Don't mention it Iida, i want to surprise everyone at the dorms, and Saving you? What are friends for? You weren't stupid for wanting revenge against him. Hell it took every ounce of willpower I had not to flat out incinerate Kacchan at the sports festival. Like Tsukauchi said it's only natural to want revenge against someone who hurt your family." "True but I'm supposed to be a hero, going for revenge isn't something heroes do..." "Dude, we're only human and besides it's not like heroes get that much backlash for killing villains because A we are making the world a better place destroying evil and B That's exactly what heroes do, they vanquish evil to protect the innocent. Which is why when I fight my biological father is All Might's nemesis, I won't be showing him mercy, he hurt my mother and made her care for me alone. Not to mention how many people he's killed or worse. I destroy Evil so that my children can have a peaceful world to safely grow up in." "That's a noble cause my friend, I wanted to become a hero so I can be like my brother he was the inspiration for me to become a hero and now I'll be the inspiration for him." "I got an Idea, you're dating Hatsume correct? How about we tell her that Tensei was attacked by stain and have her develop some tech so he can walk again!"

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