Twenty Seven.

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Gilbert and I looked at each other with wide eyes for the moments we had before the two cops seized him.

This was all wrong. This was our worst fear come true.

He yelled out as they grabbed him and I screamed out, but one of them suddenly had me by the arms, dragging me back and away from him.

I kicked and yelled, tearing my arm free to reach for him as he struggled against the one cuffing him.

"Gilbert!" I shrieked as we were separated more. The one who had me was calling for back up...Oh no... No! This was really our worst nightmare.

He was being pulled back out of the house. I could hear sirens already, and Gilbert was in handcuffs. I could only watch as I was held back and restrained, the officer's strong grip was the only thing keeping me on my feet as I choked on air, getting one final glimpse of him before he disappeared. He was gone from my grasp. I could hear shouts as they tried to get him into a police car.

The cop released me and I slipped to the floor. Next thing I knew, there were more people running in towards us. I was shaking as I watched them get closer... These people shouldn't have been here! This was our home, why were they just coming in?

Someone took my hand and pulled me up. I was numb, heavy breathing and shaking as they took me out into the cold night where I could see my breath.

There was an ambulance, I didn't get why but they helped me stumble over to it. I sat down, the back doors were open and there was a guy there ready for me.

Someone put a shock blanket around my shoulders but I just let it sit there, my eyes were fixed on where we were just a second ago. Our home. It should have been calm, we were gonna have a nice night together. I didn't even know what they were doing with Gilbert right now.

The man beside me put a hand on my shoulder and I flinched. "Matthew," He said carefully, "I need you to stay calm for me." I didn't even realise that I was still gasping for air.

I looked at him; he had large brown eyes that were looking at me carefully.

I sniffed. "You don't get it!" I was welling up as I stopped looking at him and put my head in my hands. "Bring him back!" I blinked back tears.

"Matthew," He said my name again, "I need you to stay calm." He was in front of me now. "We have called your family." He smiled. "You'll see them soon but you need to stay calm now, okay?"

My lower lips was trembling, "No..." I was shaking my head, "No... I need Gilbert back... No...!"

He wasn't listening. "We just want a few hospital checks to see that you're fine."

I was still shaking my head. "I'm fine!" I rubbed at my eyes. "I don't need any of this! I don't need it!"

But I was still being guided in the ambulance... Why wouldn't they just listen to me?!

They closed the ambulance doors and drove, leaving me to sit the journey to the hospital in silence.


"Where's Gilbert?" I asked, as I was escorted into the hospital building. This had to be the tenth time I had asked someone this but no one would answer me. I was just ignored without him.

"Where's Gilbert?!" I asked again, louder this time, as I grew more frustrated. But I was being ignored as they admitted me and took me up some stairs. "Give him to me!" I stopped in the hallway. "I want to see Gilbert!" They couldn't just ignore me!

The guy who spoke to me at the ambulance was by my side first. "You have to come with us. You are safe now." He told me. Safe? What the heck?

I backed away slowly, looking around those who escorted me here. "Just leave me alone!" I shouted tearfully. "LEAVE ME ALONE! I WANT GILBERT BACK!" I turned and fled down the hallway. I had to get away!

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