The Last Chapter.

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Okay you guys, I'm already feeling sad as I type this, but this is the final chapter! But don't worry, it's not short at all. 7000+ words! So yeah. I'll stop talking, here you go!

I didn't see him again for the rest of the evening. Though I didn't expect to, given that none of us left the hotel room after Gilbert headed down to his. Mom was worried about the press getting to us and aside from going to see Gilbert, I had no reason to leave anyway.

So I took a bath and we ordered room service for an early dinner. Mom and dad briefed Alfred and me the order of events.

We were getting a flight early in the morning and we'd be in London just before noon so we could grab lunch before taking the next plane to Canada. Then we'd be home, and this could be swept under the rug... Alfred would get back to his sports, mom and dad would get back to their jobs, and I would get back to...

Back to...

I didn't even know. Just being me, I guess. Being that kid that no one knows but might come to his funeral if he died. Him.

And Gilbert would be hushed up, pretend that he never really existed and the only people that I would really associated were the guys who wore sweater vests and pressed shirts and drank milk, instead of a crude, older homeless man with piercings and tattoos.

They didn't say that last part, but they didn't have to. I knew it was what was going to happen without them telling me.

I just watched TV after that. I curled up on the bed that my parents insisted that I share with them and watched some program about global health while they read their books. I didn't understand a word of it, but I got the jist and found myself feeling a little sad when an hour was over and the credits rolled. Next was an un-dubbed 'Pretty Woman' with German subtitles, it was my chance to finally see that movie to the end.

But as satisfied as I was with the TV viewings, there was one thought on my mind throughout. I just wanted the others to hurry up and go to sleep. I kept on glancing at the clock as the minutes ticked slowly by and couldn't help but think about how long I had before I left this country and Gilbert forever.


The thought made me want to throw up.

Finally, as Julia Roberts and Richard Gere drove off into the sunset to live happily ever after dad announced that he was going to bed. Mom agreed, Alfred as already snoring loudly.

I had just started a new movie about a man campaigning for euthanasia. I wasn't that interested in it but to them, I seemed engrossed to them. It was my excuse to stay up late.

The guy had just helped two ladies die when, both of them holding me tightly; both of my parents started to breath heavily and sleep. I felt a tingly rush when I realized that it was time to go, and spent a restless twenty more minutes lying there, waiting for them to get into a deep sleep in which they wouldn't notice me go in, the TV keeping me awake. I couldn't fall asleep now. I'd hate myself so much come morning.

I turned off the TV and took a long deep breath... It was time. I slipped out of bed, barely daring to breathe- I was so scared I'd wake them as I climbed out of mom and dad's grasp and carefully tiptoed over to grab a key before creeping to the door. I wondered as I took the door handle if I should put on some clothes or at least brush my hair... I decided not to. Gilbert had seen me worse and I just wanted to get out of there.

As soon as I opened the door I panicked. Light from the hall flooded in and it made me gasp sharply as I squinted and let it fall shut again with a soft bang. I crouched, hoping that if someone did wake up they wouldn't see. I was tensed up and bit down hard on my lip as I waited and dreaded a reaction from the room's other occupants.

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