Chapter 7 Prince Charming...Psh, what a jerk!

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The rest of the weekend went by without incident. I spent it at home with mom and Benji. Alyssa came over for a little while on Sunday. I wanted to tell her all about what happened at the party so bad, but every time I tried I was overwhelmed by guilt and thoughts of her looking at me like I was a trashy slut.

I've always told her everything, but what if she judged me? I couldn't handle that. The guilt was even worse every time Scott called. I hoped that on Monday the guilt would be easier to deal with, and things would go back to normal.

Monday morning I was brushing my teeth before school when my mom came into the bathroom. She works at a Veterinary clinic as a receptionist, so she was wearing pink scrubs with pictures of kittens of them, and her frizzy blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

"I need you to pick up Benji from school and drop him off at your father's house before you go to work honey." She said. I work at Soldans pet store, probably one of the easiest jobs in the world. Feed small animals and wait on customers. Easy.

"Sure thing mom." I said. "Is everything alright Chloe, you seem like something's been bothering you." She observed. She checked her make up in the mirror, waiting for my response. I spit some toothpaste out before answering.

"I'm fine mom, don't worry." "Okay sweety, have a good day." She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. At school Scott was waiting for me by my locker. I paused when I seen him, took a deep breath then continued on.

"Hey beautiful." He said and pulled me into a hug. "Did you see the game on Sunday? Totally awesome." He said, clearly thrilled. I laughed. "Yeah I did, all it is with you is football, football, oh, and football." I teased him.

"Not exactly, it's football and you." He said and kissed me. I leaned more into him, not feeling as guilty when he held me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, having to stand on my tiptoes to do it. He's so much taller than I am.

He pulled his lips from mine, raising an eyebrow. "What's gotten into you?" He asked with a laugh. "Um, nothing I just missed you, that's all." I said and pulled away. So I'm a liar, oh well.

Later in gym class, one of the only classes Scott dosen't have with me, I was stretching getting ready for whatever activity Mr. Schwartz (gym teacher) had planned. Alyssa was next to me examining her nails.

"I'm thinking of going to the spa after school and getting a manicure, I haven't in a long time, want to come with, my treat." She asked. "Naw, I have to work, anyways, my nails are a lost cause." I said while looking at my own nails, or stubs to be more exact.

She laughed. "Woah, who is that?" She said and pointed. I looked up in the direction she was pointing. Low and behold Aaron was the one she was pointing at. He was near the gym doors talking to some of his friends.

I never realized he was in gym with me. Damn. I quickly tried to change the subject, the last thing I needed was her to find out what happened from Aaron. "So...Do you think we're going to start track today?" I asked, trying to get her attention, but she was staring at Aaron.

"I know the guy he's talking to, but who is he?" She was saying to herself. I kept mumbling different things fighting for her attention still. That was a lost cause.

"Mr. Schwartz is late, I'm going to talk to him." She said and started forward. I grabbed her arm. "Hey, um, what about Trevor?" I asked, glad that I finally found something to stop her. "I still like Trevor, but come on, I can still talk to other guys so chill out." She said and pulled her arm out of my grasp and walked over to Aaron.

I bit my lip nervously and watched her approach him. I couldn't hear what they were saying but something she said made him smile. I tried not to be seen by Aaron, didn't want to come off as a creeper.

So I hid behind two tall guys from the basketball team. A lot less creepy I know. I peeked around them in time to see Alyssa walking away from Aaron smiling. I sighed in relief. I happened to glance back over in Aaron's direction and he was looking back at me.

"Crap!" I gasped. The guys was standing behind both turned and looked at me, confused. "Uh sorry." I mumbled and stalked away from them. I sat down on a bench, feeling like an idiot. A tap on my shoulder made me jump.

I turned to see Aaron standing there with a smirk on his face. "So is uh, whatsername a friend of yours?" He asked, nodding to Alyssa, who was talking to Megan. I stood up and faced him. "Yes, she's my best friend actually, so what do you want?" I asked, the question coming out more mean than I intended.

"Hey what's up with the attitude?" He asked with a laugh. I sighed. "Sorry, but I can't be seen talking to you, I have a boyfriend." He shrugged. "Yeah you've mentioned the 'boyfriend', does he not allow you to talk to other people?" He asked, a little sarcasm in his tone.

I got angry. "Why don't you mind your own business and stay away from me." I said and started walking away. "Oh come on what happened to Saturday at FYE, I thought we might have a chance of becoming friends." He said while following me.

I turned around to say something and almost ended up walking right into him. "Considering how we met, I don't think it's possible for us to even be friends." I said and put my hands on my hips.

"What? Oh you mean because of the kissing?" He asked, a huge smirk on his face. I was majorly blushing so I didn't answer, just stared at my shoes. "Come on Chloe, that's even more reason for us to be friends, all the pressure is off now that we already made out-"

"Shh!" I hissed while making sure nobody I knew was around us. He smiled. God, all this guy did was smile. Not that I minded, his smile was gorgeous. "Not so loud." I said, still looking around. He sighed.

"You know, what happened between us isn't really that big of a deal, lots of people play seven minutes in heaven, no big deal." He said with another shrug. It was like he was trying to make me feel better. Weird.

I looked up at him while he continued. "So stop beating yourself up over nothing and let's be friends." he held out his hand as a friendly gesture. "Why do you want to be my friends so bad?"

He crossed his arms over his chest making his muscles, (which I now noticed were big) stand out. "I'm not entirely sure, there's just something about you I guess..." He said, making me blush again.

"Anyways...Friends?" He asked holding his hand back out. It was hard to refuse those eyes. I hesitantly put my hand in his and he grinned. "Fine, I will consider being your friend, but until I make up my mind you have to give me some space." I said, trying to sound stern. He nodded.

"Okay, take some space, meanwhile, I asked your friend Alyssa out hope you don't mind." He said and walked away. I stared after him, slightly miffed. He wants to be my friend so damn bad, then goes and asks my best friend out. What the hell? I tried not to be mad at Alyssa, it's not her fault, Aaron's too charming for his own good. Jerk.  

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