Chapter 9 Dear Mr. Scruffy...Shave!

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Spending time with my dad, Terri, and Lola is totally different from time with mom. With dad things are more laid back, more routine,  mom is the eccentric one, she likes surprises. I look more like my dad.

We both have the same dark hair, and the same shade of blue eyes. Benji and I stay with dad every so often, mostly week days. I don't want to blame Terri, she's nice and everything, but she is part of the reason I tend to stick with mom.

She freaks me out some times, I can't expalin it, there's just something about her. I love Lola to death, but she's part of the reason I stay away too.

Don't get me wrong, having a sister is great, even if she is too young to do anything with, but she's a screamer. Ugh. You know when a little kid just screams for no apparent reason? Thats what Lola does.

Scares the crap out of you. Dad's house is smaller than mom's so Benji and I share a bedroom, I don't mind, Benji dosen't scream. Ha. It's Wednesday night, or 'Family Fun Night' as Terri calls it.

Whenever we're at dad's on a Wednesday Terri makes us all sit down around the table and play a board game. Not knocking board games at all, I used to play them when I was younger, but I just can't get into them now.

With the Internet, Tv, phones, friends, boyfriend, I just don't have any desire to play them. Of course, I never mention this to Terri or my dad. Who likes to hurt their dad's feeling by telling him you think his wife is a little strange? Nobody. Sigh.

So here I am sitting at the table next to Benji playing Monopoly. Lola can't play because she dosen't understand how, but she's still at the table with us. "Chloe pay attention, it's your turn." Benji said while giving me a little shove.

I wondered if dad noticed Benji's incredibly bored tone, I did. I drew a card. Go to jail. Ha. Dad chuckled when he seen. I glared, mostly for his benefit, I couldn't care less about winning this game.

Terri was winning, dad was letting her like usual. "I wanna play!" Lola complained. "Sorry Sweetheart, you're too little." Dad said, trying to soothe her, I knew it was no use. I covered my ears, ready. Lola didn't disappoint.

She screeched loudly making Benji fall out of his chair. I laughed. Terri scooped Lola up into her arms and carried her to the livingroom, trying to calm her down as she walked. "Well, I guess the game's finished then." Dad said.

Benji quickly got up and went to our bedroom, sensing his chance to escape Family Fun Night. I grabbed a soda out of the fridge and sat up on the kitchen counter watching dad clean up the game.

"How's Scott been, haven't seen him in awhile." Dad asked. Dad and Scott get along perfectly. Every girls dream to have her father approve of her boyfriend. "He's fine, busy with practice and stuff." I replied and sipped my soda.

"When's his first game?" "This Friday actually." Dad nodded. "Hope it goes well." I smiled. My phone rang, it was Alyssa. I answered. "Hello?" "I need help." She sighed. "I'll call the nearest Psychiatric Hospital."

'Oh ha ha, You're a freaken riot, actually I really need help with my nerves." She said. "Why?" "You know that guy, Aaron?" I waited, not liking the way this was going. "Well he asked me out to Friday's game."

"That's great, um really great 'Lyss, I'm happy for you." I said, making a face as I did. Dad seen my exspression and laughed. I grabbed a banana off the cupboard and chucked it at him. He caught it and laughed harder.

"You still there Chloe?" Alyssa asked. "Yeah sorry." "Anyways...I'm like freaking out, What if I say something stupid? Or he dosen't like me?" I could tell she was close to a meltdown, I wasn't in the mood to give a pep talk, but she's my best friend.

"Alyssa stop panicing, you're not stupid you're awesome, he'd be crazy not to like you, and if it dosen't work out I happen to think you'd be better with Trevor, but it's up to you." I took one last drink of soda then dumped the rest down the sink.

"I know you think Trevor is perfect for me, but you don't even know Aaron, he could turn out to be way better." She said. I bit my lip to keep from saying something. "I guess we'll both have to wait and see right?"

"Right." I sighed. "I'm going to bed Sweety." Dad said. "Good night dad." I said while holding the phone against my shirt. He gave me a kiss on the cheek making me wince. "Geez dad I think you made me bleed." I complained.

He grinned and walked upstairs. "Shave!" I yelled after him. "Try to stay calm 'Lyss, see you tomorrow." I said. "Later Chloe." I hung up and sighed deeply. So Aaron had picked a place for their first date. It left me with an odd sinking feeling. Weird. I just hoped he wouldn't say anything to Alyssa about what happened between us. At least I'll be at the game too. That way I can make sure Aaron keeps his promise. 

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