Chapter 18 Every girl has that one bra that makes her feel like a tramp.

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So three days after Thanksgiving I got my wish. Scott came home early. Apparently His grandpa hadn't been in the mood for houseguests, even if the guests were his family. He called me the second he got home, told me he had to unpack first and then he'd come over.

I still had another day of vaction before school luckily. I was actually surprised by how badly I wanted to see Scott. It felt like a physical need. This made me feel much better to know that Scott was still the one.

I decided that from now on I was only going to look at Aaron as a friend. Like I should have been doing since, well, forever. No more long phone conversations, just texting...Maybe a couple phone calls- No!

I was close enough to Aaron. No more holidays together either. As much as I hated the idea of Aaron alone, having him spend time with my family just made him even more apart of my life. Of course I didn't want to shove him away completely, just a respectable distance.

I also decided that whatever might be going on between him and Alyssa was none of my business. I think that's quite a bit of progress, right? Anyways.

Scott was home and I would be getting in some much needed time with him. Mom was working like usual. Benji was at his friend's house for the afternoon. The house was mine. I seem to get a lot of time to myself.

Not that I mind. While I waited for Scott I spent awhile in my closet. I few months ago I had taken a trip by myself to Victoria Secret. Probably one of the most embarrassing expirences of my life.

The sales girls made me blush every time they suggested I should try some items on. I had gone there specificly for some new bra and pantie combinations. Something for Scott to see me in. I wasn't usually so bold, I think age is making me more confident, if you can actually believe that.

When Scott and I had first started dating I was so shy, I would barely kiss him. Now I can't get enough of his kisses. Wow, that sounded so slutty. Ha.

Now, as I sat in my closet I examined the dark purple and black bra and pantie set I had bought that day. I had never worn them. I always felt too...I don't know, weird. It was like, if I put them on, it felt like I was being easy, like the second I put them on I was going to have sex.

I know, it's a stupid thing to be scared of. I'm not always a sensible person. I was contemplating whether or not I should wear them underneath my clothes in case things went a certain way with Scott when he came over.

I wasn't sure if today was the day we'd finally make love. Ugh, that phrase makes my toes curl. It's too sweet for my liking. Again, another odd thing about me. I feel more comfotable saying 'slept together' rather than 'make love'.

I don't know why. Maybe Scott was thinking along the same lines as me, our first time back together all alone. My stomache felt kind of hollow just thinking about today being the day we actually did it.

Even though it's against my better judgement, I put the bra/pantie set on under my outfit. They don't feel any different, well, maybe the panties do, but other than that I feel the same. I fix my hair and makeup slowly then make my way downstairs into the kitchen.

I have no idea why I go to the kitchen, maybe for some water to calm my nerves, I can't remember. I grab a cup, fill it with water, then sit at the table. My palms feel sweaty. I hate when they do that. I'm definately overreacting, but I can't help it.

I watch out the window feeling very far away. We had gotten a bunch of snow the past week. I shivered for no reason. A couple neighbors came home and left. It was still fairly early in the afternoon.

I was too frozen to my chair to turn and look at the clock to know for sure what time it was. I watched and waited for what must've been twenty minutes before Scott's gray truck pulled into the driveway. I felt my pulse quicken.

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