Chapter 25 Since when can penguins fly?

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A couple days after Christmas I mostly spent time at my dad's house. Terri had to work quite a bit so I babysat Lola. It wasn't too difficult, but she still had her little screaming fits. Those were unpleasant.

It's like, the kid is screaming at the top of her lungs and I'm just standing there not having a clue of what to do about it. Ha. Anyways.

It was a saturday afternoon, still on vacation. Dad had been pulled into work, as was Terri. Benji took off with his friends, leaving just me and Lola again.

I made her sit at the table in the kitchen while I made her up a bowl of cereal. Scott had texted me to see if he could come over for a little while, I said yes. I was bored and needed to talk to him anyway.

I've decided since the whole discovering my true feeling for Aaron thing, to ask Scott if we could, I don't know, take a break. Not break up of course, just cool it a little. I have no idea how he's going to feel about this.

We've been in a relationship for a year. A whole fricken year in highschool. How often does any kind of relationship last a year, especially in highschool? One of the most toxic places ever.

Plus, he's always been my rock, the one person who never really judges me, and loves me no matter what. If Alyssa didn't exsist Scott would definately be my best friend. He's also never pressured me for sex, which is like a miracle.

He could have any girl in school, what with him being on the football team and everything, but he's with me the prude. Sigh.

I'm a little afraid that if I ask him for a break he'll realize he dosen't want to be with me any more. How could I handle that? Of course...If we did break up I would be free to be with Aaron. But one problem. Alyssa.

Actually two problems, what if Aaron doesn't share my feelings and wants to truely be with Alyssa over me? In times like this I remember my granfather would say; 'Well sweetpie, looks like you're in quite a pickle'.

Yep, gramps had it right. I sit down at the table next to Lola and help her scoop bite of cereal with her spoon. "Look Lola, it's snowing out again!" I said and pointed to the window.

She gasped, dribbling milk down her shirt. "Oh Coie snow! We can pay together!" She exclaimed. I'll admit, the way she says my name is adorable. "Yeah maybe, if you eat all of your cereal I'll let you go outside." I said.

She gave me a sort of pouty look. I gave it right back. I invented it afterall. The doorbell rings, which makes Lola jump off her chair and rush to the window. "Scott!" she screams happily. She adores Scott because he usually brings her treats.

Even when Terri asks him not to, he tries to smuggle some in for her. How cute, right? "Come in!" I call. He comes into the kitchen and Lola goes right up to him with her hands open expectantly. I sighed. Some manners.

"Woah little girl, I think I deserve a hug first." He says with a smile. She hugs his knees, since that's about as far as she can reach. He pats her on the head and hands her a lollipop. "Yay, Scott's the best!" She says and hurrys to unwrap it before I can say no.

He then comes over to the table to give me a sweet kiss. "Hey." He said. "Hey back, have any trouble with the roads getting here?" I asked while he sat down. "Naw, the snow is still too light to cause any trouble." he replied.

I glance down at Lola, who is a sticky mess now and try not to groan. Guess who has to give her a bath. "Got any plans for the rest of the day?" Scott asked. I pointed to Lola. "Oh right."

"What about you?" I asked. "I have to work later."  "Ah yes, how has Hollister been able to stay open without it's best employee?" I said sarcastically. He grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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