Chapter 15 The Next Three Days.

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November turned up colder and even rainier than October. Aaron and I had pretty much silently agreed not to mention or talk about what happened between us on Halloween. Unfortunatley I blushed a lot more around him.

He seemed to have chilled out a bit on little innuendos or inappropriate jokes. Not like he told many of them before, but still. To keep my mind off of what happened I spent tons of time with Scott.

Not that spending time with Scott was a punishment or anything. But spending so much time with him, especially time alone together, I felt like I was giving him the wrong idea. I hated feeling like a tease every time we stopped making out.

He constantly reassured me that he wasn't mad, but come on, I was the Ice Queen. I did want to have sex ovbiously, I'm sixteen. I'm controlled by my hormones.

I thought about sleeping with Scott all the time, but lately the mere thought of actually doing it scared me a bit. What if I got pregnant? Stuck with a kid in highschool. I've watched enough Teen Mom to know I didn't want that.

Or if I caught a disease. I trusted Scott completely. It's the possibility of getting some kind of sick disease that I didn't trust. Those were both minor concerns to me actually. The thing that worried me most was sleeping with Scott and then...What exactly?

What if he got bored and left me? What if I realized I was the one bored. I love Scott, he's my first love. And there is a reason they call it first love. Like he's not the one I'm supposed to end up with or something.

God, I must watch way too much reality television. It's a Saturday night and Scott and I are together, at his house this time making out on his couch. Scott has two older brothers, both already moved out and going to college.

His father is a small time lawyer, and his mother showcases houses. Sets homes for sale up with furniture so they look nice to potential buyers or something. They're both really nice and, also, at work.

Scott is kissing under my chin when I happened to glance around the livingroom. Both of his dogs are sitting next to the couch staring at us. I feel all awkward. They're animals, but still... "Um, Scott?" I say, shifting uncomfortably.

"Yeah?" "The dogs, they're um, watching us." I mumble. Scott raised his head and laughs. "Don't worry sweety, they don't care." He said and leaned down to kiss me, but I hold up my hand. "They might not care, but I do." I say and sit up.

Scott rolls next to me looking disappointed. Lately that's usually his exspression though. I feel bad yet again for not giving Scott what he wants. It's hard to let down the people you love.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. Me apologizing after we make out has started to become routine. He sighs and shakes his head. "Chloe you need to seriously stop saying you're sorry all the time, If you're not ready, that's that." He said, I could detect the disappointment that had been in his exspression.

We sat on the couch next to eachother in silence for awhile. "So...What do we do now?" I ask, feeling irritated. He glances at me because of my tone. "A movie maybe?" He suggests. Headlights flash across the livingroom wall.

One of his parents is home. He checks out the window and groans. "Damn, It's my mom." I stand up and straighten my shirt. "Hey, you don't have to leave yet, mom won't mind if you stay." He says and grabs my hand.

I look at him. "I know, but I should probably get home, stuff to do." I say. He stands up and wraps his arms around my waist. I lean into him, he's so warm. "How about I come over tomorrow night and we can rent a movie, just the two of us, what do ya say?" I smile, feeling better.

"Sure thing." I say and tilt my head up for a kiss. Just as his lips touch mine his mom comes through the door. I step away from Scott unhappily. "Oh, hi Chloe." She says with a small smile.

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