Chapter 22 The Ice Queen strikes again.

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Thursday morning I was all set and ready to go to school and exspose Alyssa's plans to Aaron when I realized I was actually pretty sick. Ha. My head hurt, I was coughing like a smoker. Just felt like utter crap.

So I stayed home and went back to bed, after taking some cough syrup of course. Some of that nasty cherry stuff. I got multiple texts from Scott saying he hoped I got better and that he missed me.

Alyssa texted me too but I felt guilty about what I was planning on saying to Aaron that I ignored her. I laid in bed all day, took a shower, then went back to sleep for the night. A wasted day, but I needed rest.

Friday morning I still felt sick but I had to go to school. I had one day until Alyssa made her move on Aaron. I knew I should have stayed out of it. It wasn't any of my business what they did together. But I could not overlook this.

Not them sleeping together. I got to school and waited near my locker for any sign of Aaron. I usually seen him in the hallway before class. No such luck. I could have called him and told him, or texted even. I felt like this should be something I tell him in person though.

I wasn't thinking of how awkward it would be for me to tell him. 'Oh Alyssa wants to have sex with you, please don't!' Yeah, hopefully I would come up with something a little more clever than that to say.

I waited throughout the day looking for Aaron. I was starting to get mad when I got to lunch and he still wasn't around. I sat down at our table. "Hey 'Lyss, where is Aaron?" I asked. "Oh, apparently he's home sick with the same crap you had, a bunch of kids are out sick actually." She explained.

I felt deflated now. I was running out of chances to talk to him. The usual happiness I had on Fridays was ruined by this. Saturday Alyssa was going to...and Aaron...Ugh!

I ended up giving my lunch to Scott and skipping the rest of the school day. As soon as I got home I called Aaron. I had to work, so I figured I could get him to meet me at the pet store to finally tell him.

I wasn't very nice to make him come all the way to the pet store just to talk to me, he was sick. I'm an awful, selfish person, I know. I got to work and wished I could just go home.

Thank God it was the weekend now. Plenty of time to sleep and recover. I was at the counter organizing dog treats when Aaron walked in. He didn't look sick so it eased my guilt some. "Hey." He said. I took a deep breath.

"Hey yourself, thought you were sick." I said. He shrugged. "Not really, just didn't want to go to school." I glanced at his face. He was smiling slightly. He was wearing a different sliver stud in his lip and there were pieces of snow in his hair.

I examined his face a little closer than I probably should have. He seemed...I don't know really. Like, like he was exshausted just from walking from his car into the store. That worried me.

"Are you sure you're okay-" He waved his hand in a dismissive way. "What did you want to talk about so bad?" he asked. I was ticked that he ignored my question but I got over it and spoke. "Um, actually it's about Alyssa." I said and hesitated.

He raised an eyebrow. "What about her?" "Well she-" "Hold on for a second, this isn't about us dating again is it? Because I thought you said you were fine with it." he said. I bit my lip. How was I supposed to just spring this on him?

"I...I am, it's just-" "I know it's uncomfotable for you, what with us being so close and stuff but if you're jealous-" "Okay, first off, stop freaking interupting me!" I said angrily.

He closed his mouth and just stared at me. "Sorry I raised my voice but you were interupting me quite a bit." I said. He rolled his eyes. "And second, I've said this before and I'll say it again, I. Am. Not. Jealous." I lied distinctly.

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