Chapter 17 Turkey Day.

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The week went by quickly, Scott left town with his parents, Dad wished me and Benji a happy Thanksgiving before leaving with Terri and Lola. I had called Aaron almost everyday to make sure he hadn't changed his mind about coming over for dinner, and football.

I had talked him into coming early to watch the big game with us. I guess I was pretty persistent. Oh well, there's a lot of worse things I could be.

On Thanksgiving morning mom and I had gotten up extra early to start preparing dinner. Because, for some unknown reason to me, everybody eats early on this specific holiday. I had thrown on a pair of gray jeans and a shirt Lola had made for me in daycare. It had her tiny painted handprints all over it to represent turkeys I suppose.

But it really looked like some random paint covered elf had tried multiple times to feel me up. Ha. I wore it anyways. I had never been much of a cook but of course, neither was my mom. We kind of just guessed what to do with the food and ingredients.

Since that omlete fiasco was still some what fresh in my mind, I handled all the stuff that involed the stove and oven, while mom stirred and mixed. Luckily there was only going to be four of us eating. I couldn't imagine cooking like this for a whole bunch of people.

Soon everything was baking and all we had to do was wait for it to be done. When I had told mom about Aaron joining us she didn't mind in the slightest. I think him calling her beautiful had definately won him some major points.

It had won some major points from me too, but nevermind that. He showed up exactly when I asked him too, right before football started. The four of us gathered into the livingroom around the tv to watch.

Mom spent most of the game answering phone calls from various family members. Benji was seated in between Aaron and me. I was relieved of that. Especially since he had gotten that dang lip piercing and had also gotten quite a bit hotter.

I didn't need to be right up against him. Benji had told Aaron how cool he thought the piercing was, mom had also mentioned that it suited him nicely. How many mothers actually compliment body piercings? Seriously.

During half time Benji joined mom in the kitchen to get things ready, since the food was almost finished. "I have to admit, I am having a really good time today, thanks for inviting me." Aaron said, giving me a grateful smile.

"See, I promised you would." I replied. I felt happy to have made Aaron happy. As corny as that sounds. "So...What is Scott doing today?" He asked, stretching out next to me.

"He's out of town with his mom and dad visiting his grandparents and stuff." I said. "Sounds great." Aaron replied dully. I knew Aaron disliked Scott, it was obvious. Especially after Scott kissed me the way he did right in front of Aaron.

But Scott was still my boyfriend, the guy I love, so I didn't exactly like Aaron's tone. "It is great actually." I said, not angrily, but close enough. Aaron rolled his eyes. He stretched out again, his joints popping as he did.

I winced. He eyed me curiously. "What's wrong?" "I just don't like that sound." I mumbled. "What sound? This?" He asked and cracked his knuckles. I winced again. "Aaron don't I hate that." He laughed.

"You hate the sound of joints and stuff cracking?" He asked and cracked each finger. I slapped his arm. "I'm serious! Stop doing that or I will resort to more violence!" I threatened. He raised his eyebrows.

"I will stop if you tell me why you hate it so much." He said. I thought it over, the gave in. "When I was ten, my older cousin Ryan pinned me to the ground and cracked all my fingers back resulting in me having to go to the ER because of a sprain. He always did that kind of stuff, little asshole. Now every time I hear that cracking sound it brings back crappy memories." I explained, feeling embarrassed.

I had never actually told anyone about that before, except Alyssa. Aaron stared at me. I looked away at the tv screen. "Wow, what a shithead. What ever happened to him?" He asked.

"Well my mom was pissed, and told my aunt off and said if Ryan ever touched me again she'd call the police. That was probably the only time I ever seen my mom that angry." I said. Aaron's lips were pursed, like he was thinking.

"You know what, that story actually just made me want to find this Ryan guy and give him a good swift kick in the a-" "Oh hey mom!" I said, talking over Aaron before he finished his sentence.

"Dinner is done, you two can come and get some now." She said and gestured for us to come into the kitchen. The food had turned out really delicious. We all ate until full, then went back to the livingroom to watch the rest of the game.

All in all it was a very nice enjoyable day. The game ended kind of late, but when it was done Aaron helped Benji and me do the dishes. Mom was going out later on during the night for Black Friday shopping with her friends, so she went to get some sleep.

I had gone shopping with her last year and didn't really want to do it again. Shoppers could get really crazy. Two women had gotten into a fist fight over a doll. Come on.

Aaron stayed after dinner and for most of the evening. I got the impression that he was taking in every moment, since he'd probably be going back home to an empty house. Benji went to bed around 11, mom was still asleep.

It was just Aaron and me lounging on the couch watching tv. "It looks like I'm the one who owes you now Chloe." He said while patting his stomach. We had just warmed up some leftovers. I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't owe me anything Aaron, I just didn't want you to be alone on a holiday." I said, yawning. Why does turkey make you so tired? "You know, I don't really mind being alone, okay, sometimes it sucks. But other times it's not so bad, gives you time to think." He explained.

I knew he didn't mean it, if he really didn't mind being alone he wouldn't still be at my house this late. "Yeah I guess." I mumbled, trying to hide another yawn but he noticed. "I should go, let you get some sleep." He said and sat up.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." I said, sitting up too. He shook his head. "Naw, I'm about ready to pass out, oh who is calling me?" He said and grabbed his phone. His ringtone was a Skrillex song. I smiled.

"Some times I just let it ring to hear the song." he said when he seen my smile. He checked the caller I.D. frowning slightly. He turned off his phone, but before he did I had seen the number.

Alyssa. Why in the world was Alyssa calling Aaron at this time of night? And why did Aaron turn off his phone? I tried to act like I hadn't just seen the number. "Nobody important?" I asked casually. He shrugged.

"I'll call them back." He muttered. Huh, that's weird. "Well I'll take my leave now." he said. "Do want any leftovers to take home?" I asked. He shook his head smiling. "No thank you, as much as I've eaten today, I'll have to spend the next week straight at the gym." He said.

"it was good though." He added. I returned his smile, but just barely. "Alright then, good night." I said. "Good night, and goodbye, tell your mom thanks for me." he said. "Will do." I replied, and he was gone. My mind was racing as I watched him through the livingroom window get into his car. Why had Alyssa called him?

Do they talk all the time too? That thought left me with a mixture of jealousy and a kind of hurt feeling. I wondered if this was what it felt like to find out you're boyfriend has been seeing someone else behind your back. God. Of course, Aaron wasn't my boyfriend, just the guy I happen to be friends with. I had no right feeling like this, but I couldn't help it, I'm only human right? I wished Scott would come home early. I needed a distraction from this immediately.     

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