Broken Bowl Broken Dreams

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TW: abuse flashbacks, blood mention, panic attack, drug/date rape references.

The cup smashes to the ground and my heart falls into the pit of my stomach. I hear feet pounding down the stairs closer to where I am. I don't move. I can't move. All I can focus on is the shattered pieces of ceramic around my feet.

"What the fuck did you do?!"

"I'm sorry master." I yelp as she grabs my ears pulling me to the ground.

My face is right next to the shards as she yells "you aren't sorry or you would have already been cleaning this up. You wouldn't have been in the kitchen it is 3 am."

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I was just hungry." I cry out as she pushes my head to the floor.

"I don't want to hear you. I don't care that you were hungry you wait till the morning."

I try to move out of her grip to clean up my mess but I end up cutting my finger.

"You're so useless no one is ever going to love you like I do."


I stare down at the broken bowl by my feet and feel myself start to shake. Not again not again. I'm good I didn't mean it.

"I should be sleeping I'm in so much trouble." I mumble to myself as I let my tears lose.

I start trying to pick up the pieces of the broken bowl carefully. I need to hide this I can't throw it out or Dan will know.

I put as many of the pieces of the bowl into my shirt bowl I made to carry them upstairs. I just have to get them too my room and I can hide them under my bed.

I get as much as I can but I'm going to have to make two trips. I scoot the rest out of the way and under the counter so if Dan wanders down while I'm in my room he won't see it. Then I start going up stairs staying as close as I can to the wall to keep the floor boards from creaking.

I make it to my room and shove the broken pieces under my bed. I wipe my hands off my my shirt because they got a little cut but I can't worry about that now.

I go back to the kitchen and start gathering up the rest of the broken bowl and putting it into my shirt pocket thing I made. But then I hear Dan walking around upstairs.

"Shit shit shit you're a failure." I tell myself. Dan is going to find out he's going to hate you.

I hear him walking down stairs and I slip letting out a cry. He definitely heard that but it doesn't matter he's going to be so mad. I should have waited till the morning.

"Phil? Why are you crying what happened?" I hear from behind me causing me to drop one of the bowl pieces. It shatters into smaller pieces on the floor.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll fix it." I say trying to hide the tears that are falling. I try to scoop it back up in my hands wincing when the pieces push into my skin.

"Hey no it's ok. Phil please. What happened." Dan says stepping further into the kitchen. I feel my hair rise as he gets closer he's going to be so mad.

"I- I was hungry. A-a-an- and I wanted, I wanted, some cear-e-al." I tell him dropping the bowl pieces I had.

"Oh" Dan sounds surprised as the pieces fall.

"And and and then I was trying. T-to get this booowl down but I drop- dropped it." I wipe my tears and snot into my shirt "and now you're going to be mad because I am useless and I should have waited till morning."

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