Chapter 1

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Tj Kippen was the Captain of the basketball team, but no one knew what his home life was like. A few months ago Tj's Mother had fallen sick and his father didn't want to take care of her so his dad took his older sister and moved out leaving Tj to take care of his mother. At school he pretends to be a bully but that will all change soon...

Cyrus was a shy boy, he's only friends were Andi and Buffy... but when Andi started dating a boy named Jonah, Cyrus felt something he's never felt before. He was falling for Jonah. A few weeks later he told Buffy that he had a crush on Jonah but to keep it a Secret from Andi, Buffy agreed but kept trying to get Cyrus to tell her even though he wasn't ready. A few months go by and it's Cyrus's Bar mitzvah, Andi couldn't enjoy herself because her and Jonah had broken up the night before. Cyrus's sees this as his moment to tell her and he does. Andi takes the news well but little did they know someone was listening...

"I'm glad I told you Andi" Cyrus said "I'm glad you did too, but when are you going to tell Jonah" Andi asked "I don't think I will... I don't want to ruin our friendship." Cyrus said. Just then Jonah appeared from behind a tree. "A little to late!" Jonah yelled "Jonah why are you acting like this?" Andi asked "He's gay Andi!" Jonah Yelled "Jonah I'm still the same person.. I'm still your friend!" Cyrus said starting to cry. "No, you're not!" Jonah Yelled as he walked away. Cyrus was hurt, Jonah and help him through so much and now he was rejecting his friendship. The next day at school Cyrus tried to talk to Jonah but It wasn't going anywhere.. so Cyrus decided to go to the playground and relax. "This spot taken?" Cyrus asked the boy that was already sitting down. "No.." the boy replied, So Cyrus sat down and that's when he saw the boys face. "Hey I know you, Scary Basketball Guy!" Cyrus said "Actually It's Tj.." Tj replied "I know... I'm Cyrus." Cyrus responded. Cyrus asked "What brings you out here?" Tj looked down at the ground and then up at the sky. "Stuff..." Tj said. Cyrus laughed and replied "Same.. I lost my friend yesterday.. and today they aren't even talking to me.." "Oh, that can suck.." Tj said "Yeah... It can but it seems like you're going through a lot more then what I am.." Cyrus replied "It's that obvious?" Tj asked "Well my parents divorced a while back and you're acting the way I did back then so... I kinda put two and two together..." Cyrus said "It's more then just a divorce tho... My father took my older sister with him when he moved out and left me to take care of my mother who had fallen sick.." Tj said with tears in his eyes. Cyrus could see that Tj was really hurting inside and wanted to make it better. "Give me you're phone." Cyrus said "Why?" Tj asked as he gave Cyrus his phone. "I'm giving you my phone number to call if you need help with anything... I'll be there for you.." Cyrus said. Tj was shocked, no one had ever been that nice to him. Cyrus gave Tj back his phone "Cyrus Goodman." Tj read on his phone and then looked back at Cyrus. "I better head back in now, it was nice to meet you Tj." Cyrus said as he got up. Cyrus had only taken a few steps away from where Tj was sitting when his phone rang. "Hello?" Cyrus said "Hey.. I just wanted to hear your voice again." Tj said on the other line. Cyrus turned around and smiled at Tj and Tj smiled back. Suddenly Tj didn't feel as sad as he did earlier that morning.

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