Chapter 4

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It's been a week since Tj's mom passed away. Today is her funeral... Tj's still grieving for the loss but at least he has Cyrus with him. Cyrus helped him pack his mothers things away into boxes and help put them into storage. Throughout it all Cyrus has been by Tj's side. Even though the both like each other they decided to just be friends while Tj is going through this difficult time. On the way to the funeral Tj started crying so Cyrus grabbed his hand and said "Tj I'm here for you and I'll help you get through this." Tj looked at Cyrus, smiled and said "Thanks Muffin." Cyrus blushed when Tj called him that. Once they got to the funeral they were shocked to see Buffy and Andi there. They both walked up to Tj, gave him a hug and said "We're sorry for your loss." Tj hugged them back and said "Thank you." During the funeral Tj started crying and whispered to Cyrus "Cy, can I hold your hand?" Cyrus didn't say anything instead he took Tj's hand and held it tightly. "Thanks." Tj said. Little did Cyrus know that Tj's dad was starting across from him. After the funeral Amber walked over to Tj and asked "Tj, when are you moving in with dad and me?" Tj looked at her confused and said "I'm not I told you last week Amber, I'm moving in with Cyrus and his mother.." As soon as he said that Amber walked away. Then this big guy who was probably in his 50's came walking towards Tj and Cyrus.

⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️

"You little Fag!" The guy yelled at Cyrus. Tj and Cyrus both were shocked. "Are you a fag son?" The guy asked Tj. "I'm gay dad.." Tj said nervously "Well then I'll send you to camp to fix you!" Tj's dad yelled. Just then Cyrus's mother stepped in. "Ray, this is not the time or place to have this conversation!" Lizz said "Also I will not let anyone call my son that offensive word!" Lizz added. "Leave Our Friends Alone!" Buffy and Andi Yelled as they ran over to Tj and Cyrus. "For your information Ray, those camps your referring to don't work... they never have and they never will!" Lizz said. Ray left with an evil expression on his face. "Something tells me we haven't see the last of him." Cyrus said "Can I get a restraining order on him?" Tj asked "I think that's a great idea Tj" Lizz said and then added "I think we should all get one just to be on the safe side." Buffy then added "We do have a lot of witnesses here." The fallowing week they got the restraining order against Ray saying that he could not come anywhere near them. Tj Thanked Cyrus for all his help. Then one day after school Tj asked Cyrus to meet him at the playground so Cyrus agreed and met him there. "Cy, you have helped me through so much... I know we said that we would wait till I was done grieving but let's face it Cy, I'll always be grieving... so I wanna officially ask you to be my boyfriend." Cyrus was in shock but he was glad to finally hear the words boyfriend. "Yes I will Tj!" Cyrus said happily

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