Chapter 3

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Tj ran to the hospital.. he asked the nurse where his mother was and she told him the room number was 214. As he ran down the hall the speakers started say "Code Blue room 214." He ran faster and faster down the hall but by the time he got to the room it was to late. His mother was dead... Tj clasped to his knees and started crying. Meanwhile Cyrus and his mother arrived at the hospital and waited in the waiting room. Tj walked down the hall looking down at the ground. When Cyrus saw Tj he knew what had happened. "Tj... I'm sorry this happened..." Cyrus said "Cy, leave me alone!" Tj yelled "I know what you're going through.. I just wanna help you.." Cyrus said as he started to cry. "How could you possibly know what I'm going through?" Tj asked "M-my grandpa died of an overdose a few months ago.." Cyrus said "So.. it's not the same thing!" Tj yelled "Tj... my father is addicted to drugs and alcohol as well... I worry every weekend when I'm over there if it's going to be the last time I see him..." Cyrus said "I- I wish I never met you!" Tj yelled. Cyrus was in shock. "You can't mean that... I helped you take care of your mother... I blew of plans with Andi and Buffy to be there with you in your time of need... Tj... I've opened but to you about everything.... don't you remember you're promise to always be my friend... you told me that you would never leave me.." Cyrus said as tears poured out of his eyes. "That was before this happened!" Tj yelled "Fine, cut me out of your life... but I gotta say I'm disappointed in you Tj... I can't believe I actually fell in love with you..." Cyrus said and then walked out of the hospital. "My boy really does care for you and I know you're just grieving in your own way but, please try and be that nice kid that Cyrus fell in love with..." Cyrus's mother said. The next day Tj looked for Cyrus at school but he was no where to be seen. "Hey have you talked to Cyrus?" Tj asked Buffy "Yeah I have, he told me what happened yesterday... you broke his heart Tj... don't you know that he suffers from depression?? I pray he doesn't do anything to himself because of what you told him! He was there for you... don't you know how much he cared for you... ever since meeting you he never stopped talking about how great you are and that I should give you a second chance.. and to think I actually was going to do just that until this happened!" Buff Yelled "Buffy I wanna say I'm sorry... I was in shock... plus I kinda have to say goodbye.." Tj explained "Goodbye??" Buffy asked "Now that my mother is gone I have to move in with my dad..." Tj said "But your dad is still in town... why would you have to say goodbye?" Buffy asked "I'd be homeschooled just like my Sister Amber.." Tj said "Wait Amber is your sister?" Buffy asked in shock. "Yeah she didn't have to get homeschooled until my father found out she was Bi... he blamed it on public school and took her out... So once I tell him I'm gay... I'll have to be homeschooled as well." Tj explained "Oh... well I'll see if Cyrus picks up." Buffy called Cyrus but it went to voicemail. "That's odd... it went to voicemail... he never lets it go to voicemail..." Buffy said as she was looking at her phone, then she looked up to see Tj running down the hallway. "Where are you going?" She called out to him "I'm going to make sure my muffin is ok!" Tj yelled back. Buffy though to herself his muffin?? Tj arrived at Cyrus house and knocked on the door, Cyrus's mother answered. "Hey Lizz... Mrs. Goodman... is Cy home?" Tj asked out of breath "Tj I'm sorry he's not in right now..." Lizz said "He told you to say that didn't he??" Tj asked and Lizz nodded her head. "Look I just wanna say I'm sorry for everything I said yesterday... I don't regret meeting Cyrus... He means the world to me and I think I might love him too." Tj said "You really mean that?" Cyrus said from behind his mother. "Yes Cy I do, I'm so sorry for everything... I shouldn't shut you out... you have been there with me through everything... but I also have some bad news..." Tj said "Come up to my room and we can talk.." Cyrus said. Tj agreed and walked upstairs to Cyrus's bedroom, they sat down on the bed. "Cy, even though I love you I still can't see you anymore.." Tj said "Why??" Cyrus asked "I have to move in with my father and... he's very homophobic.." Tj said "Oh... well why can't we meet at The Spoon once in a while?" Cyrus asked "Cy to be allowed out of the house I'd have to get a job there, that's why Amber's there... she can't stand being around our dad.." Tj said "Why don't you just move in with us?" Cyrus asked "would your mom be ok with that?" Tj asked back "We do have an extra room... that is if you don't mind sleeping in my moms office.." Cyrus said "Ok Cy, I'll think about it.." Tj replied

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