Taetzu: Our Grand Canyon pt9

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Tzuyu waved bye to the girls as they left the mall. Nayeon kissed Jeongyeon's head before she left winking to her. She turned to Tzuyu smiling. "Let's go pack?" She asked grinning. Tzuyu giggles nodding her head as the two walked to the car.

"I'm so excited and happy Nayeon!!" Tzuyu cheered, stepping inside. Tzuyu got her phone out texting Taehyung that she left and the news she had about moving into their own place. Nayeon smiled at Tzuyu as she started the car and drove off.

The girls reached their apartment and ordered multiple boxes for Nayeon's thing and clothes. "It's not like Jeongyeon doesn't live around the corner." Nayeon said laughing. Tzuyu nodded her head in agreement blasting music that they had once performed together.

"Like a bulldozer! Like a tank like a soldier!" Nayeon sang, playfully dancing with Tzuyu who was opening boxes up. The younger one rolled her eyes smiling. She joined in on the singing as she helped Nayeon pack her clothing. She smiled at the photos the two took when they went to photo booths and packed them in a separate box that was smaller.

The next song played the girls smiling at each other. "Like Ooh-aah!" The girls sung to their heart's content, dancing around the room, jumping up on the bed playfully. Tzuyu let her long hair go wild and Nayeon kept hers in a bun that slowly went loose. The girls laughed at each other as they fell on the bed from exhaustion. They continued packing, singing to the songs as they played on shuffle.


Tzuyu looked around the apartment which felt emptier than usual. She looked to Nayeon who was the only one left from her belongings. She embrace the girl long and hard tearing up a bit. "I'll miss you Yoda. But it's not like I'm gone forever okay? Holler and I'll come running."

Tzuyu chuckled at the nickname. "I miss you too fake maknae." Tzuyu let go of the older girl, helping her down the steps where Jeongyeon waved smiling.

"Ready Nayeon?" She asked smiling. Nayeon looked to Tzuyu waving to her. Tzuyu returned the favor smiling. Nayeon nodded her head as they moved their way to the car.

Tzuyu smiled seeing them drive off and a new car drive in. Taehyung smiled getting out of his car, holding his boxes over his head. Tzuyu ran out the door helping him. "Hey babe." He cooed, kissing her lips softly.

"Here let me help." She said smiling, taking a few of the boxes. The two went upstairs to their new apartment which they would now share. Tzuyu opened the door placing the boxes down. "Home sweet home." Tzuyu said smiling. Taehyung smiled at her admiring everything about her.

"You're beautiful." He said softly, wrapping his hands around Tzuyu's waist pulling her closer. Her cheeks were dusted with rose, as Taehyung placed his lips softly onto hers. The two shared the passionate kiss, as their cheeks grew redder. Taehyung lifted the girl up laying her down gently on the newly made bed. They broke the long lasting kiss taking a breath of air. Tzuyu wrapped her arms around Taehyung's neck kissing him once more. He smiled through the kiss, biting her bottom lip gently. The two broke the kiss once more gasping for air. "I love you." Taehyung whispered, lying next to Tzuyu.

"I love you too." Tzuyu whispered, turning to face him. She smiled at him as his hands snaked around her waist.

"Tomorrow we're going on a date okay? Dress up however you like. It won't be in a restaurant." He assured smiling, fixing her hair. Tzuyu nodded her head smiling.


Taehyung woke up extra early in the morning practicing the song he was to sing. He quickly jumped into the shower, making sure he was clean and smelled nice. He unpacked an Eviee plushie which Tzuyu loves and placed it on the living room table which he laid roses to surround it. He broke off petals from another bouquet of flowers, making sure Tzuyu didn't see him as she went in the bathroom. He quickly laid the flowers all over the floors, cleaning up their room. He made a special breakfast for her, wanting to treat her as much as possible.

Tzuyu stepped out of the bathroom dressed for the date in a white blouse and black skirt. She felt the cold soft petals touch her feet and smiled showing her teeth. "Oh my god Tae did you do this?" She asked surprised, seeing the entire living room decorated with flowers and the eviee plushie.

"Good morning my beautiful love! I made you you're favorite!" He beamed, showing her the pancakes and other foods surround it. Tzuyu's mouth parted slightly amazed by it all.

"Babe~ this is amazing but what's the occasion?" She asked confused on how much Taehyung put his effort into this. Taehyung smiled sitting Tzuyu down as the two began eating.

"I just wanted to treat you today. And the plushie is yours." Taehyung said smiling. He knew how he wanted to propose after thinking for a long time. At their first date. Where they met.

"Taehyung thing is amazing~" Tzuyu said tearing up a bit, amazed by everything to his cooking, his decorating, and how well he's treated her.

After the two finished Taehyung took Tzuyu's hand and ran downstairs with her. He walked down the streets holding her hand admiring the scenery before them. They soon reached a place they knew too well. Our first date... Tzuyu thought smiling.

The little bell on the door rang as they entered. "A expresso for me and a macchiato for the lady." Taehyung ordered sitting down near the window with Tzuyu. "Chou Tzuyu... I love you with all of my heart." Taehyung stood up from his seat as their drinks came. Tzuyu looked taken back from his action wondering where he was off to. He smiled kneeling down on one knee, taking a small box out of his pocket. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away." He sung softly, opening the box to reveal a beautiful ring. Tzuyu held her hands over her mouths immediately crying her eyes out. The audience watched in awe as Tzuyu cried even more. "Chou Tzuyu... will you be the honor to be my eviee for the rest of our lives?" Taehyung asked trying not to cry.

Tzuyu wiped her tears away nodding her head falling to her knees. "Yes yes yes Taehyung!" She exclaimed, the entire café applauded for the newly engaged couple. Taehyung started crying, taking Tzuyu's hand placing the perfectly fit ring on her left ring finger. The two sobbed together sharing a long embrace.

"CHOU TZUYU AND KIM TAEHYUNG ARE NOW ENGAGED!" Their friends all shouted, crying and laughing together. Tzuyu and Taehyung waved to them still having tears stream down their faces.

"We're engaged." Tzuyu whispered in disbelief, being the happiest woman alive.

But not for long... all happy endings don't last forever now do they?

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