The Worst Weekend of My Life: Day one

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*Hint #1: Let the music play for this chapter and the next one. Hint #2: This song describes how I feel right now.*
                                   Entry #1: Friday 3, 2018
Dear Diary,

Last night, I was with Josh {Jozie's brother}, Jozie {my "friend"}, and Nina {Jozie's friend} chilling out when randomly, Nina said to me, me not realizing she was talking to me, "Hey, move, so I can lay on the dinosaur teddy bear." she said as I lost thought, then replying with a "Huh?", her face turning from a calm expression to an angry expression. She then repeated what she said before, this time sounding more angry then before, "Move, so I can lay down!" she said as I quickly replied with a simple "No.".
Nina walked out the room and began to have her tantrum.

After all that shit went down, I ended up chilling in Jozie's bedroom, all alone. This is how I know I'm alone, this is how I know no one likes me. While I was in her bedroom, I cried and cried and cried, having no shoulder to cry on.

Finally, this horrible day was over, but the next day was more worse than today.

Anyways, bye~bye people I love and have a good day 😊❤✌💮✌❤😊


My Almost Lovely Little Lady~Like Lesbian Life {M.A.L.L.L~L.L.L.}Where stories live. Discover now