I Sowwyyy... [To my sweet readers]

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*Hint: This chapter is for the readers of my diary series, including the ones who just started reading it.*

Dear Daiary and Sweet Readers,

This break, I guess I had 'fun', even though all I did was stay at home and binge read yaoi [best break ever.. 🤤]. Then, I ended up sleeping all morning the next day. But, there was something different happening for the last five days, I was actually going outside for once, instead of binge reading yaoi [sadly.. 😢] at home. What I was doing you ask? Well, I'm gonna explain it, like how I did for the 'Worst Weekend of My Life'  explanation, write about each day, in detail [I guess.. 😓]. But yeah, that's all, ladies and gentlemen, bye bye.



Melissa [Author]: Btw, I wanna say this now to everyone who reads this diary-based book [or just started to], I am probably not, I repeat, probably not continuing this series after writing the 'Five Days' explanation because I was looking forward to getting a high rank, but, that's not happening, obviously. Plus, I don't inspire anyone to make their own life diary, so why am even bothering, you know? At this point, I just feel like giving up writing because like I said earlier, I'm not even inspiring people and I didn't reach my goals, so yeah. Anyway, that's the end of my message, I love you my sweet readers, ciaooo~ 😙😚😊😚😙

My Almost Lovely Little Lady~Like Lesbian Life {M.A.L.L.L~L.L.L.}Where stories live. Discover now