I Wish I Was Normal

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*Hint: Play the song for this chapter {if you want}.*

Dear Diary,

I wish I was able to be happy, or even normal. I wish I had a nice family. I wish I could be someone else for a change. I wish I had died, instead of my Aunt Gucci {not the rapper, Gucci}.

Why? Because everyone hates me and my existence. Because all people do is discriminate and judge me, they don't care about how I feel. Because I'm too weird, silly, and crazy for people, especially for my little brother and my................."friends". Because no one loves me. Because I'm not me anymore.

These are reasons why I wish and dream of dark and deadly things that usually lead to suicide. These are reasons why I pretend to be all happy and excited to be here, in this world, in this home, in this school, in this life.
Well, ciaos~ ✌️😋✌️😘


My Almost Lovely Little Lady~Like Lesbian Life {M.A.L.L.L~L.L.L.}Where stories live. Discover now