incompletely whole

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It was destined that you
would touch my soul.
I was incomplete and
you made me whole.

To me you will forever be
the one that's so special.
You made me feel a plethora
of wonder, all of them real.

I just want to say that I'm sorry
you opened up your heart.
I doubted you and I
pushed us further apart.

I apologize, when you
told me that you loved me.
I yearned for you,
but I felt I was most unworthy.

I regret it now, when you
told me that you've fallen.
I felt the same but sent you
away, now I am broken.

I denied you when you
showed me your emotions.
It's just infatuation,
told you to seek other relations.

If only I could change the past,
when you told me your feelings.
Becoming one, the two of us,
perfectly imperfect beings.

That time when you said
those three little words.
I said the same,
the convergence of our worlds.

Every moment of the day,
I think of you and I try to smile.
I do my best, but I guess
it's going to take a while.

You who will forever
be my most precious treasure.
You who will always be
Heaven's most beautiful creature.

I never would have thought
that you'd be gone, my dear.
These letters that you'll never read,
words that you'll never hear.

There's a million other
things that I want to say.
The only one that matters is
"I love you, Please stay".

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