july 10th, 2017

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No amount of coffee could cure the exhaustion you were feeling. It weighed down your arms, your legs felt like they were stuck in cement. Your eyes were probably bloodshot.

Nothing. That's what you did today. Absolutely, positively nothing.

And you hated yourself for it.

You walked home from your office, rain sprinkling down on the pavement, soaking its way into your windbreaker. You looked down to avoid getting it into your eyes.

It'd rained a lot recently. That sort of reflected your mood. Perhaps that's why you were in such a slump and—


You fell to the ground, water seeping into your jeans from a puddle.

"What the hell?" you growled, daring to look up.

"Oh, no, I'm so sorry—h-here, let me help you up—" The voice was soft, not threatening. You let out a sigh of relief. You'd had your fair share of rude strangers on the streets.

You sighed and allowed him to help you up. "It's okay, don't worry about it." You looked at him and tried to smile.

And then you gasped.

"Tyler? T-Tyler Joseph?"

His face was red, but then it broke into a grin. "[y/n]!"

He wrapped his arms around you and gave you a bear hug. You hugged him back and laughed.

"It's been, like, six years? Right?" he asked, pulling you away and studying your face. "You don't look like you've aged a day."

You blushed. "Well, that's a good thing."

He looked down at my soaked jeans.

"Oh no—I'm so sorry. Here, come with me, I'll buy you some new ones," he said.

"No, Ty, that's not necessary—"

"I insist," he grinned. I smiled back.


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