july 31st, 2017

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"Hey, Tyler? Uh, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over today. To my apartment. If that's easy. If it's not and you gotta stay incognito I totally get it. Um... yeah. So, just let me know if that sounds fun. Or if it doesn't sound fun. Also if you have work, that's fine too. Uh... yeah. Um, I think that's all. Talk to you soon, Ty! Bye!"

I smiled as the voicemail ended. Usually [y/n] sounded witty, sarcastic. Her voice here sounded... different. Nervous, almost. As if she...

No, I wouldn't let myself dream like that. It's [y/n]. I couldn't ruin our friendship that way.

I tapped the call back button and cleared my throat. After five rings, she picked up.


"Hey, [y/n]. I got your voicemail, and as it turns out, I am interested in going to your apartment. But you're right about the incognito thing."

She chuckled. I blushed.

"So do you want to do something else instead?" I asked. "You could come over here, although we did do that last time."

The line was silent for a moment. "I have an idea," she said suddenly.

"Yeah? What?" I inquired.

"We could drive out to my hometown."

I paused. "Your hometown? How far away is that?"

"About two hours. But I can almost guarantee that nobody knows who you are. It's a very small town."

I nodded, then realized she couldn't see me. "Yeah, yeah, that sounds fun. What would we do?"

"We could go camping. Westfort is tiny, but it's surrounded by good camping spots." She paused. "Oo, you know what would be fun? If all of us came! Me, you, Josh, and Justice! Like the old days!" Her voice overflowed with excitement.

I laughed. "That sounds super fun, actually. When would this happen?"

Silence. Then she answered, "Next weekend? I've got a big project with a couple different companies due the 4th, but after that I'm good for the weekend. They're giving me Saturday off because of it."

I grinned. "How convenient." She laughed. I continued, "But I'm totally down. I'll ask Josh, you ask Justice. This is going to be so fun."

I could practically hear her smile. "Yes it will."

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