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one year later...
The crowd was overbearing tonight, and my ears rung, even though I was wearing my earbuds.

The concert was in Columbus.


It was where I knew I needed to do this.

And as my hands were shaking, as sweat was beading on my brow, as my foot tapped the stage with anxiety, I'd never felt more at peace in my life.

I played the first chord of Trees.

"Tonight is special," I said, my voice barely managing not to crack.

The crowd roared.

I smiled.

"Seven years ago, this band was nothing. We were nobodies. I didn't—" I had to stop speaking as the fans screamed wildly.

"WE LOVE YOU!" I heard from the pit. "YOU SAVED MY LIFE!"

I was already tearing up.

"I didn't even know if I was going to keep moving forward with the band. And just when It all felt most hopeless, I met someone."

The crowd lost it. The screaming was louder than I'd ever heard in the past.

"That person was [y/n]."

They somehow managed to scream even louder.

I looked over to the side of the stage, where [y/n] stood, tears balling up in her eyes. She must've known I was doing this. I tried to be subtle about it, but she was brilliant enough to have figured it out.

"We actually met in a venue not far from here. And a day after meeting her, I realized that we lived right next door to each other in the apartment building. She had just moved in."

I paused and allowed them to scream for a few seconds.

"Soon, we got to know each other, and I kind of fell in love a little bit."

Screaming. Another pause.

"After a while, though, she finished college. Twenty one pilots hit it off. We lost touch. And then, on an otherwise average, rainy, depressing summer day six years later, I ran right into her on the sidewalk."

I looked at her again. She was crying.

"I love you," she mouthed to me. I smiled and laughed.

"Literally right into her. I got her jeans all wet, it was terrible."

The crowd laughed. So did I.

"And then we started to reconnect. Soon, I realized that I still loved this amazing girl."

I heard sobs from them, and I barely managed to keep a sob of my own in.

"After a few failed attempts, I was able to muster up the courage to tell her that."

I looked over and she laughed, shaking her head. She was so beautiful, that alone made me want to cry.

"Now, finally, I'm mustering up the courage to do this. [Y/n], can you come up here?" I looked and saw her gasp. A huge smiled broke across her face and she made her way onto the stage and to me. Tears streamed down her face, but she still looked angelic. My heart was pounding. I stood up from the piano.

Then, I got down on one knee.

She stared at me, tears falling to the stage, and she brought a delicate hand to her mouth as she stifled a sob.

My heart was beating so loudly that I could barely hear the crowd roaring, screaming, and sobbing.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a little white velvet box, opening it and exposing a ring of gold with a small white diamond on the top. She gasped.

"[y/n], I love you. I feel like I've loved you since forever, and I will continue to love you until the last syllable of time. Nothing will ever change that. You are p..." My voice broke, so I paused. "...perfect."

She sobbed, wiping her tears with her small fingers. Her bottom lip trembled. She was adorable. I loved her.

"Will you do me the honor of making my life perfect?"

She nodded, laughing, tears overflowing.

"Will you be my wife?"

She nodded as I stood up, and she grabbed my face and pulled my lips to hers. She was so soft, yet so fierce... it made me feel so in love.

"Yes, yes, yes," she said, grinning. "I would love to. I love you," she said, voice cracking.

I slipped the ring onto her finger. She admired it for a second, then looked back up at me. "I love you," she said.

"I love you too," I replied, and my arms wrapped around her.

Then she left the stage, and I looked out across the arena. It had to be done here. I walked back to the piano.

"The reason I met her is because of you," I said.
"Our fans are the reason I got to meet my lovely wife."

The crowd went insane.

"And soon, it'll be time to go home, but for now, I want you to listen to this music, and... and I want you to know that you guys have the power to change lives."

I looked at [y/n] offstage.

"You've changed mine."

I waited a beat, looking back at the crowd, and smiled.

"I know, where you stand..."

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