august 6th, 2017

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A yawn escaped your mouth as you squinted into the rising sun, which scattered dapples of sunshine across the clearing and into the river. You sat on a lawn chair and held out a metal stick over the fire. On its end was a sausage link.

You had awoken that morning in your tent, but you couldn't remember getting up and moving there. It was possible that you could've forgotten. You shrugged it off, though, and now you weren't even thinking about it.

"The sun is so much brighter out here," Tyler commented, shielding his eyes with his hand. "Or maybe I just never go outside."

Justice shrugged, saying, "Probably both." Josh nodded in a agreement.

You yawned and said, "We should get more firewood. We're going to need more for when we cook dinner."

Josh perked up. "Oo, what's for dinner?"

Justice gestured to the stream. "Whatever we find in there."

Josh froze. Then he lifted an eyebrow. "Serious?" he mumbled.

You nodded. "If you don't catch it, you can't eat it. Those are the rules of camping."

Tyler groaned. "You guys camp way too hard."

Justice grinned at you. "No, y'all are just soft." They rolled their eyes. "Okay," she started to say, "Tyler and Josh, go grab firewood. [y/n] and I are going to try and fish."

Josh gave Tyler a glance, coughed, and said, "How about I fish and Tyler goes with [y/n]?"

We stared at him.

"I, uh... I've never fished before. I want to learn." His face was white. He kept looking at Tyler.

Justice shrugged. "Alright. Josh, come with me. Tyler and [y/n], go find wood."

And with Justice's final word, you got up and began to search for firewood. It was a little awkward, just Tyler and you. You were blushing, but you couldn't figure out why. Tyler was your friend, he was nothing to blush about.

"So..." you began to say, attempting to spark up conversation as you scanned the ground. "You've really never been in the woods before?"

Tyler shrugged. "I mean, I have, but it was a long time ago when I was in high school. My friends and I used to go to the woods and car camp. We'd drive to a wooded area and sleep in the car, or right outside the car. But never anything like this," he replied.

You shrugged. "Justice and I grew up camping. We'd go almost every weekend when we were younger. In high school we'd go with a big group of friends and play capture the flag or hostage or something." A knot formed in your stomach as you reminisced. "Now I'm nostalgic," you laughed.

"Oo, that sounds like fun. Can we do that?" Tyler asked, pulling a big piece of wood out from under a pile of leaves. You shook your head.

"Not enough people," you explained.

Suddenly, you spotted a dry log wedged between the collapsed trunk of a tree and a tree stump. You grabbed it and pulled, grunting, as it wiggled loose.

"You need some help?" Tyler asked, setting down his wood and hurrying over to you.

"I—I think I' it..." you grunted. Suddenly it came loose and you stumbled into Tyler, knocking you both to the ground. You landed right on top of him. You could feel the blood rush to your face as it grew red, and you could feel the heat of Tyler's body under your hands.

"Sorry, sorry..." you mumbled as you hurried to get up. His face also looked beet red. You turned away from each other and you gathered your wood in a blur, dropping things to the ground with shaky hands.

"Do you... Do you need any help?" Tyler asked, his voice quiet.

"No, but thank you," you replied in an equally small tone.

What's the matter with me? you asked yourself. It's just Tyler.

After that, you couldn't think of anything to say. You silently picked up a few more sticks and twigs. After about five minutes he squeaked, "You think we've got enough wood?"

"Yeah," you nodded. The two of you then silently walked back to the campsite, unable to speak.

It's just Tyler, you told yourself again.

And again.

And again.

What changed?

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