august 5th, 2017

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Light poured into my vision as my eyelids struggled to open. "J-Josh?"

"Wake up! It's six fourteen in the morning," he informed me. He stood over me, an amused look on his face. He was shaking his head.

"I'on wanna ge' up," I mumbled, turning over and pulling the blanket over my head. I could feel the weight of the bags under my eyes.

I heard a sigh from above. "Come on Tyler," he dropped his voice, "the sooner you get up, the sooner you'll be able to see [y/n]."

My eyes shot open. Almost all drowsiness evaporated. "[y/n]?"

As I  shoved the blanket off, Josh stood in front of me, chuckling to himself. "I knew that would work!"

I rolled my eyes and threw my pillow at him. "Shut up!" I whined.

He shoved me playfully. "Come on, let's get ready. The girls wanted to leave at seven."

I exited the room and walked to the hallway with my toiletry bag, which was essentially just a toothbrush, toothpaste, facial scrub, and shampoo in a plastic Walmart bag.

As I opened the door to the bathroom, I spotted [y/n] in the living room. I grinned. "Good morning."

She was holding back a laugh, but it came bursting out after I spoke. I raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

She shook her head. "Your hair!"

I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. It hung awkwardly on one side, all smushed up against my scalp. On the other side, it sprung in every direction, somehow defying gravity.

I was mortified.

I hurried into the bathroom, blush creeping into my cheeks, as [y/n]'s laughter could be heard down the hall.

Soon after a refreshing shower, I walked into the kitchen, where mouth-watering pancakes were piled on four plates. The table was littered with whipped cream, maple syrup, powdered sugar, and strawberry jam.

"This both looks and smells absolutely incredible," I said, my stomach growling.

"You better believe it does. That's my mom's cooking, right there," a voice replied from behind me. I whipped around to see [y/n], her hair hanging loosely around her face, her hands delicately placed on her hips. She wore an old Twenty One Pilots t-shirt, one from our earliest days. I smiled warmly.

"Nice shirt."

She blushed, looking down. "I found it in my old drawer. I must've left it here by accident when I stayed here last."

Justice slumped into the room after her, her hair a bit of a tangled mess. She raised an eyebrow at the t-shirt, shaking her head. "Y'all have professional merch designers now, and you still can't make a good shirt." She tutted. "I'm disappointed."

I rolled my eyes, holding back a grin. "If you don't like it, why don't you design it?"

She raised her eyebrows. "Maybe I will."

Soon, Josh came into the room, and we all sat at the table with [y/n]'s mom. I devoured my breakfast like I hadn't eaten in weeks. Before we knew it, all the pancakes were gone.

"Now that was good eatin'," Josh grinned, whipped cream stuck in his stubble.

"Better than Waffle House?" I asked, chuckling.

"Oh, sooo much better than Waffle House!"

We all laughed and [y/n]'s mom blushed and thanked us. "No, no, thank you," Josh replied.

After breakfast, we all helped load things into the car. Well, most of us did. Justice had slept in and hadn't showered yet, so she went to do that. We loaded sleeping bags, tents, the canoe, toilet paper, and an impossible amount of snacks into [y/n]'s mom's minivan. After about an hour, we collapsed into our separate seats in the car, exhausted.

Then Justice came strolling out of the house, her hair done in soft curls that cascaded down her back. She had clearly done more than just shower.

"Nice of you to join us," [y/n] grumbled, keying the ignition. Justice shrugged and climbed into the middle seat next to Josh.

"You didn't ask me to help, so I didn't."

[y/n] rolled her eyes in annoyance as she backed out of the driveway.

And just like that, we were on our way. I could barely contain my excitement.

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