august 12th, 2017

980 37 8

I picked up the phone.

It was 9pm, and it had been a long day of backing tracks, vocals, melodies, and bass... but here I was. I was ready. I hoped she was, too.

I tapped on her contact and pressed call.





[y/n]'s voice sounded hoarse, like she had a cold. My heart was flying at the speed of sound.

"[y/n]? I need to talk to you," I replied through a shaky breath.

"Look, Tyler, I—what I did was way out of line. I accept the job. I really do. I really hope you still want me as a part of the crew. I—"

"Can...Can you come over?" I asked suddenly, cutting her off.

"Wh—yeah, of-of course," she replied. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's okay. I just need to show you something. Or, I need you to understand—I don't know how to say it. Just come over?" I asked, feeling my chest explode in nerves.

"Of course. I'll be there in ten minutes," she replied.

"Thank you." I exhaled in relief.

"See you soon," she said, hanging up.

I placed my phone on the table and leaned against the wall, light-headed.

I wasn't ready. I never had been.

But if I didn't do something now, I never would.

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