3 Powers

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At home, Lola is in her room. Bella is in her own one, adjusting to being back in Forks. Lola looks at a book that lays open: 'The legends of the Quileute tribe.' She left it on page sixty-four. Does she continue it or learn Spanish? The test is at the end of the week. She takes the book.

After ten pages, she lays it aside.

If her only option had been Spanish, she would be less stressed. It would mean she is normal, but Lola has a special connection with everything supernatural. She doesn't really understand it. Her hands light up. 'calming lights' is described in the text. She has a different effect on vampires than on werewolves or shifters. It scares her that these things are real. She hopes that it doesn't mean that they're evil. She could use the support. At least this book says that shifters are protectors. What would she do if she encountered one?

Lola goes downstairs. She is distracted because she thinks about the wolves. The stories about the spirit warriors were only the beginning. Later they became shapeshifters, and eventually, they changed into giant wolves. It is determined by your genes and triggered when the enemy is nearby. They used to have multiple enemies, but now the one left is vampires. It could be that she didn't come across one because they didn't exist or because their genes aren't triggered yet? She almost misses a step but catches the railing.

'Are you ok?' Bella asks.

'I'm fine.' Lola says and stands back straight. Maybe she should focus on her sister. 'Ok, first breakfast. And then I thought we could go to the beach? La push?' Charlie has to work this weekend. Lola promised him to do something with her sister. She didn't plan on sleeping this long, but she reread a few things and stayed up way too late, hoping to try and find out what she had to do. This is all new for her, even after two years. She is not going to think about it now. Today is for her sister.

'Ok.' Bella answers, and she returns to the kitchen, where she continues to eat a sandwich with cheese. Lola hopes that Bella will like what she picked. Her sister used to love the beach but didn't seem enthusiastic. When they were little, they made a lot of sandcastles together. It is one of the places with good memories.

'You're sure you're, ok?'

'Yeah, I was just distracted, and I didn't fall. Did you sleep ok?' Lola asks, and she sees Bella fidgets with her hands. She didn't sleep. The rain kept her awake. 'You'll get used to it.' She says instead of waiting for an answer.

Bella smiles: 'We can do the dishes and then take a short walk on the beach.'

Around one PM, the sisters are at the beach. There is wind, but it is just a nice breeze. Bella looks cold because she is not used to this weather. Lola likes the power of the wind. Her hair blows in her face, and for a moment, nothing else happens. Jessica is not complaining. There are no deadlines. And no weird powers. She'll tell her sister about them eventually, but it's nice to be just sisters for now.

They talk about what's going on with each of them and how their mother, Renée, is doing. Bella talks about Phil and his new job and describes a situation about their mother that is typical for her. She started a cooking class. 'What do you think she'll do next?' Lola asks her sister. She misses her mother more than she shows. She is afraid she lacks the bond Bella shares with their mother.

'Maybe she can finish that blanket she was knitting.' Bella answers, and the sisters laugh simultaneously.

There is something so natural about this sort of conversation between sisters. She cannot do it with others; no matter how close, it will not be the same. Now it's something that can happen. Neither Lola nor Bella needs to do something to make it happen.

She has her sister back, and in a way, it's like they never lived apart. They talk like always, laugh and dream together. And they can speak to each other about everything.

Lola stops. Something is happening to her. Her eyes widen, and her body tenses up. She feels an electric pulse going through her body, taking a little of her energy when it leaves, and a shiver pulsates through her.

Bella looks panicked: 'Lola, what's happening?' she holds her hands out and holds her sister by her shoulders: 'Lola, what do I do?'

Lola doesn't react. She wants to, but she cannot do anything but stay still. Images flash in front of her. She sees a wolf. His eyes speak to her. She sees the anger and the fear in his eyes. This isn't a normal wolf. Could this be... Lola realises that this must be a shifter.

Lola Swan: Trough her eyes (1)Where stories live. Discover now