Chapter 4

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(Ryan in Media)

Moe POV•

"Everything you need is in the bathroom. Food in the fridge and cabinets along with drinks. Unless it's an emergency that can potentially send me to jail don't bother me" I gave Jelani a run down

"I'm going to take a shower. It's much needed after tonight's events"

I decided to check my phone seeing the many missed calls and texts from Boss and Tyson

Boss🕵🏽‍♂️: My house no later than 9

: If you insist 🙄

Next, I opened Tyson text

Ty🤑: You got some balls talking to Eli like that. He could've killed you! tf wrong with you 😡

Me: He could've but he didn't so 🤷🏽‍♀️

I put my phone on the nightstand and changed into an oversized shirt and basketball shorts. I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water.

"Fuck you scared me" Jelani held her chest

"My bad" I continued the short distance to the living room and sat on the couch. I cut the TV on and put it on Netflix

"Moe, can I open the Oreo's?" 

She really asking after I told her she could get anything?

"Go ahead" I decided to watch Big Mouth since I'm not done with season two yet

Jelani stood in front of the TV and I instantly got upset "Get the hell out of my way"

"Why you being a bitch all of a sudden?"

"Don't call me a bitch"

"Does it make you mad when you're called a bitch?" She grinned. No more being nice that ends right now

•Jalani POV•

I know I'm pushing her buttons but it's all fun and games. Well to me at least.

"Umm are you alright?" I questioned watching as her eyebrows furrowed and her forehead veins popped

"I've been somewhat nice to you when I could've snapped your fucking neck in half" Her voice echoed throughout the apartment. I walked backward until I hit a wall

"You don't scare me. All those rumors or people saying you going to kill me don't intimidate me"

"I don't need you scared of me love" Her hand snaked around my throat. She put pressure down but not too much "But if you ever try me again... I'll send you home in a body bag" Her grip got tighter and I laughed

"What do you find funny?"

"I like being choked"

"What else you like?" She inquired with a cocky smirk

"Get the hell off me" I pushed her back but she didn't budge

"Feisty just the way I like em" Her free hand roamed down my body and I tensed up "What's wrong Jelani. Did I hit the right spot?" She slid her hand between my thighs

"N-No" I stuttered

"I think I did. Now tell me or I'll find out myself"

"I'm not telling you anything"

"Wrong answer" Moe tilted my head and began sucking on my neck. I nibbled on my lip to suppress the moans

"Come on Jelani let me hear you moan. I know you want to" She whispered seductively in my ear making me more aroused. I shouldn't be letting this happen but it feels too good

Easing into my boxers she rubbed my clit in a circular motion with her thumb. Now would be a great time to stop her.

"M-Moe that's enough" I managed to say. When she didn't I yelled out "I fucking said stop"

Moe licked her fingers making direct eye contact with me "You taste good"

I rushed past her going into the vacant room next to hers and locked the door. I have to tell Bri

Briel🥰🤞🏼: I'm sorry I left you Lani the pussy was not worth it at all

: Moe touched me

Briel🥰🤞🏼: Come again? I don't think I heard you right

: Since you're deaf all of a sudden Moe touc-

Briel🥰🤞🏼: Why the hell you with that tramp!?

: It's a lot to explain. Come see me tomorrow and I'll you everything

Briel🥰🤞🏼: One question though

:Wassup ?

Briel🥰🤞🏼: How was it? And be honest

: Goodbye Bri

Briel🥰🤞🏼: Aww don't do me like that Lani

:I said goodbye 

I hung up placing the phone next to me. I got under the covers closing my eyes letting dream world come and obviously it's not my time yet. I groaned getting out the bed taking my phone with me as I left. I knocked on Moe door waiting for a response.

"The fuck you want" She announced after a couple seconds in an annoyed tone

"I'm bored" I told her cracking the door

"Read a book or something"

"Can I see your car?"

"We are not familiars. Even if we were the answer would still be hell no"

"I know how to drive and I have my learners permit

"I don't care I'm not changing my mind"

"You can drive. I just need to get away from here!"

"Leave me alone" I slammed the door only to open it again

"Get the fuck out Jelani the hell is wrong with you" I ignored her comment and got in bed with her

"I'll annoy you 'til you give in" I snuggled under the covers. Her bed is super comfortable

"You must be an only child" She said turning on her back

"What makes you think that?"

"Because if you had siblings you wouldn't be such a fucking brat" She spat

"I rather be a brat than a maniac like you" The room fell into an uncomfortable silence "So Moe what's your real name"

"Don't know"

"Nice name" I sarcastically replied

Removing herself from bed she cut the lamp closest to her on "Put your shoes on before I strangle you"

When she noticed I wasn't moving she told me I had three minutes before she change her mind.

"Where we going?" I questioned curiously. Moe gave me the side eye and I didn't say as we left the apartment and got into her car

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