Chapter 21

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(Ebony in Media)

•Jelani POV•

Sitting the yellow flower on top of the casket I let go of Moe's hand. I'm sure she wants some alone time before we have to leave.

"How's she doing honestly?" Angel asked fixing her ponytail

"Alright. She hasn't cried in three days and she's eating again"

"You think she going to come to graduation tomorrow?"

"She said she is"

"Y'all coming to the house for the repast?" Moe questioned fixing her sunglasses

"Yeah, we'll follow you " Angel answered for herself. Bri looked at her agreeing as well.

Me and Moe got in her car following behind the other people who attended the funeral. The car rides have been silent for the last week. I don't ask if she's okay because I know how Moe is so I let her be.

When we got to Jeff's house we separated. She went with her family and I went with Bri and Angel.

"These devil eggs are the bomb"

"Can you eat like a grown-up and not a child" Bri complained wiping the side of Angel's mouth

"Aunt Lani" Kai ran up to me with a teddy bear in her hands

"Hey KK" I picked her up sitting her on my lap "You look pretty today"

"Really," She asked happily

"You sure do sweetie"

"Thank you I picked it out myself"

"Kai I've told you about running off. I'm sorry about her" A woman in her mid-twenties approached us

"It's fine"

"Mommy this Auntie Moe girlfriend Lani"

"I know sweetie. Lani is with her friends so why don't you come with me and you can play with Sierra and August" The lady tried to bribe Kai

"But ion wanna mommy. Can I stay with you, Lani?"

"Umm sure I don't mind the extra company"

"If she gives you a hard time come find me. I'm Ebony by the way"

"Bye mommy"

Less than an hour later all the kids were at our table coloring and talking our ears off. I'm not complaining I love kids but not Angel and Bri.

"Boogers and germs are every fucking where"

"Aye kid that's my phone. That cost $1200" Bri whined chasing behind the little boy whose name I think is Xavier

"Ugh, you and Moe want these monsters?"

"Kids are cute" I responded opening the Caparison for September

"No, they're mini devils who feed off your innocence and fuck you up mentally" I stared at Angel crazy

"Who hurt you as a kid?"

"Nobody" She chuckled pushing one of the kids away

"Lord that little boy can run" Bri panted. She looked at the little girl who's giving Angel googly eyes

"Sister you're in my seat" She tapped the little girl on the shoulder. She rolled her at Bri and continued staring at Angel

"You have some competition Bri" Angel teased

"What's your name" The little girl finally asked


"That's my name too" Bri sat on Angel lap pointing her finger in the little girls face

"Look here. This is my girlfriend and I would appreciate if you stop looking at her like she's a snack" She hissed. Angel pouted on the verge of tears

"Bri why you yell at her. Come here little Angel" Little Angel walked to Angel sticking her tongue out at Bri

"This is unbelievable. I got my girlfriend token by a five-year-old"

"I'm six" She corrected Bri now sitting on Angel lap


"Hey, Moe can we talk right quick?" Hope requested sound as if she ate glass. Evident bags under her eyes and her hair that's usually done to perfection is pulled back into a crooked ponytail

"Wassup" I sat the bottle of Paul Masson on the counter

"In private"

I lead her to the backyard away from the group of people that are already out here.

"So my parents found out about the baby and they're trying to move us to Ohio. My pregnancy is very high risk because of my lupus and I refuse to leave my child with them if I was to die" She explained to me "I was wondering if maybe you would adopt the baby"

"Hope I don't think I can raise a child. Not now at least. Have you talked to Melissa and Jeff?"

"They gave me the idea of talking to you. You were basically Tyson's best friend"

"I don't know. A baby is life-changing and I'm going to college in the fall"

"It's okay I understand" Her head dropped to the ground as she walked away

"Wait, Hope. I know someone who might be interested in adopting"

"Really? Who?"

"My sister Makenzie"

"You think so? She doesn't like me ya know"

"I'll text her to come outside"

: Come to the background

Kenzie🌻: Be there a second!

"You stopped me from winning UNO because?"

"We have a proposition for you" I turned to Hope and gave her the floor to talk

"I'm pregnant and I have lupus so my pregnancy is high risked. I don't want to leave my baby with my parents if anything is to happen"

"I brought up the idea of you adopting the baby"

Kenzie thought about it before she gave us an answer "I would be honored" She ran to Hope hugging her tightly "Thank you for the opportunity"

"No thank you. Because of you, my baby will get the love and support he or she needs"

"Moe you're going to have a niece or nephew" Kenzie cheered "We can go shopping together, to doctor appointments, and decorate the nursery. That means I'll need a three-bedroom instead of one"

"Kenzie slow your roll now," I said stopping her rant

"But we still have a small problem" Hope pointed out "My parents plan to move to Ohio and I'm not eighteen yet"

"Baby don't worry your curly head. Kenzie Kenz has the best lawyer in town"

Seeing Kenzie have the opportunity of being a mother after her miscarriage made me smile. I feel better now and can go to graduation tomorrow without having to force a smile on my face. My speech about to be the fucking shit too.

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