Chapter 1

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(Jelani in Media)

•Jelani POV•

"Lani baby wake up" My mom shook me gently

"Five more minutes" I flipped on my stomach hoping she would leave

"Jelani get up before I spank you"

I groaned in annoyance as I sat up and rested my head on my headboard "Happy?"

"Be down for breakfast in thirty minutes or else I'll drag you downstairs myself"

"Maaannn get out my room" I responded earning a mean glare from her

"Watch it, little girl. Look just like your ugly ass daddy" She shook her head walking out the door

"I DONT EVEN KNOW THE MAN" I screamed out. The only thing she told me about him is that his name is Eric and he a dirty bastard. Which is ironic because I got his last name.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth. I threw on some distressed jeans with my Van shirt and checkered vans. I got my keys, phone, and backpack and headed downstairs

"What's on the breakfast menu this morning," I asked taking a seat at the table putting my backpack in the empty chair next to me

"French toast, cinnamon rolls, and eggs" She came out with two plates in her hands

"I'll get the drinks" I got up and went to the cabinet getting two cups down. I poured her a cup of coffee and orange juice for me

I'm a strong believer that if you prefer to apple over orange, you're a serial killer

I sat her coffee in front of her and took a seat with my drink

"How has school been?"

"It's actually been good for the exception of Ms.Gomez class. She's a nightmare ma"

"Tell me if your grade drops below an eighty. You speak fluent Spanish you shouldn't even be in that class" She hurriedly stuff food in her mouth along with a long sip of coffee "I have a nine o'clock meeting so I have to go. I should be home around ten"

"Okay, I'll order Chinese. I'll most likely be awake"

"Love you Lani" She stood at the front door smiling

"Love you too"

A car hard blew meaning it's my ride and best-friend Briel but everyone calls her Bri. I got my backpack and phone leaving and locking the door behind me.

"Get in loser we're going to school," Bri announced through her sunroof

"You need help child" I got in the car and she flopped down in her seat grinning

"I missed you jellybean"

I hate that nickname and she insists on calling me jellybean. She's been torturing me with that name since 6th grade.

"I saw you yesterday"

"Only during school and on FaceTime. You fucking with someone Lani? " She asked taking her eyes off the road

"Pay attention to the damn road and of course not. You would be the first to know"

"You need a girlfriend Lani. It's been what two years since Uni-"

"Shut up" I cut her off. The rest of the car ride was quiet. She pulled up into her usual parking spot. I got my belongings ready to exit the vehicle when she locked the door

"Let me out Briel" I told her watching as students entered the building

"Not going to happen"

"Alright. SOMEONE HE-"

  Crazy in Love (studxstud) Where stories live. Discover now