Chapter 8

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(Makenzie in Media)

Bri POV•

Ya girl got her own POV.  It's about to be litty but on some serious shit I'm on a mission right now and that is to give Moe a piece of my mind

You may be asking:WhY wHaT mOe dO To YoU brI

She ain't do shit to me but she threatened Lani and she hasn't talked to her in days and I hate seeing my jellybean sad. I know Lani likes Moe and I loved that she was getting somewhere after Unique but now it's all down the drain and I'm going to make sure she pays for hurting my bestie.

"I'm going to get a bag of chips from the lunch line. Want anything?" I asked Jelani

"No I'm good" She continued eating her gummy bears and I got up from the seat. I looked around the cafeteria until I spotted Angel and Moe

"How fucking dare you" I addressed Moe earning the attention of everyone else at the table

"How fucking dare you" Moe repeated obviously annoyed. Hope's sitting on her lap playing in her hair which made me even more livid

"You got me fucked up. Don't you ever threaten Jelani nor put your ET fingers on her"

Moe pushed Hope off her lap cracking her knuckles "You needa get out my damn face. What happened between me and Jelani is our bus- I'm not explaining shit to you get outta my face"

"That's my bestfriend so it's my business too and I don't appreciate you fucking with her feelings bitch"

I can visibly see Moe's eyes explode in anger. Angel quickly got up and jumped in front of me

"Leave" Angel ordered with

"Hell no, I'm not done talking!" I went to take a step closer to Moe but Angel put me over her shoulders before I had the opportunity. I repeatedly hit her back until we came to a stop. I looked around the empty room and know exactly where we are.

"Move out my way"

Angel blocked the door with her arms folded "Don't try to fight Moe for me"

" I did a lot of shit FOR YOU and didn't get shit in return but tears" I yelled out

"Bri let me explain" Angel grabbed my arm spinning me around to face her. I looked into her eyes for an answer

"You have a minute" Her face lit up. I wanted to just melt into her arms but I kept a straight face

"I know what I did was fucked up but you have to understand that I had to adjust too" She explained

"Adjust to me not wearing feminine clothes often? Yeah that's a lot to adjust to" I rolled my eyes

"It was to me. People would look at us throwing up cross symbols and shit when we out in public. It's bad enough we're lesbians so imagine the added on stress of a stud couple walking on God's green earth"

"See that's the problem right fucking there. You care about people's opinions and I frankly don't give a fuck. If you cared about me as you said, we would be together and I wouldn't hate you" I admitted lowly

"I don't care anymore Briel I swear to God I don't care about what clothes you wear. Give me another chance to prove my love for my babydoll" She got on her knees and a tear fell down

"Are you crying!?" I asked shocked

The only time I saw Angel cry was when her grandpa died and the time she dropped her pizza

"No, this room dusty and it's fucking with my allergies" She got off her knees wiping herself off

When I didn't respond after a minute she asked "What's it going to be Briel?"

"Yes" She jumped up and down like a schoolgirl "But there's rules" I finished

"Like what?"

"Give me your phone" She got it out of her pocket placing it in my hand

"Password please"

"I'll unlock it" Angel reached for the phone

"Nuh-uh what's the password" I held the phone up as if she couldn't just take it from my hand

"Umm your birthday" She answered rubbing her neck. I typed in my birthday and it unlocked

"Delete all your hoes contact" I gave her back the phone and she did as told "That was the only rule. If you can prove that you can keep your strap in your pants for a month then we can talk about us" I motioned my fingers between me and her

"Oh that's easy" She confidently replied

"Just wait till you horny" I giggled knowing how much she craves sex

"That's why I got you" She gripped my waist looking down at me licking her juicy pink lips

"I'm off limits too" I answered pushing her away

"I promise I won't fuck up babydoll" She kissed my forehead "But I gotta see if Moe killed anybody" She ran out the room at full speed

"I knew y'all would get back eventually," A voice said from behind me. I turned around to a grinning Ryan

"You ain't see nor hear nothing"

He held his hands up in surrender "My lips are sealed babydoll" He joked

"You're a dick"

"But you can never say you hate this dick"

"You cute but I'm strictly pussy my man"

He smacked his lips "You just had to ruin a good moment with your nasty thoughts"

"I'm sorry but my mind thinks what it wants" I stated as we continued walking back to the cafeteria

•Jelani POV•

Lunch was now over and Bri never came back. I have a free period and decided to take a nap in the library. I was texting my mom not paying attention and bumped into someone

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention"
I apologized to Moe

"Tell Briel to mind her fucking bussiness. Next time I won't be so nice" She brushed past me and I was utterly confused

"What are you talking about?" I asked following behind her. She turned around slamming me into a locker

"I can't keep doing this Jelani" Moe tightened her grip on my wrist

"Keep doing what"

She opened her mouth to talk but was interrupted

"Monae I hear yo manly ass" An unknown voice said

"I gotta go but umm come to my place later" She gave me a half smile and ran away leaving me baffled

"Do you know Monae?" The unknown voice appeared. It was a male in his early or mid 20's. Lightskin with cornrows and tattoos all over

"Nah that doesn't ring a bell"

He nodded and ran in the opposite direction of Moe. I walked to the library and sat in my usual bean bag

"You look stressed sweetheart" The librarian Mrs.Beryl sat a cup of milk and cookies on the little table next to me

"You just don't know" I took a cookie dipping it in the milk

"Hopefully the cookies help" She walked away when a student walked in

"Hopefully" I mumbled eating the cookie

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