Chaper 12

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(Gregg in Media)

•Moe POV•

Jelani traced my legs making me groan as I turned on my stomach "Move. You always bothering me while I'm sleeping"

Then it hit me. Jelani isn't here. I haven't seen her since yesterday. I quickly got up ready to fight whoever decided to break into my crib

"It's me, baby," A soft familiar voice said

I must be dreaming. She can't actually be here right now

"I am but it'll be quick" I looked at my mom sitting at the edge of the bed smiling like she always would do

"I know I been doing some messed up stuff since you passed but I'm not ready to die ma"

"I'm not coming to get you sweetie I came to talk" She grabbed my hand and kissed it

"What about?"

"I'm glad you like Jelani. I handpicked her just for my baby"

"Really" I was a bit surprised that she would pick a girl just for me

"Well I ain't lying Monae" She frowned

"I'm not saying you are I'm just a bit surprised as to why you picked Jelani of all people"

Don't get me wrong Jelani is amazing but what makes her so special from everyone else?

"Because her courage and love is something you need right now Monae. I know you feel this hole in your heart for me but Jelani is slowly filling it"

"Her love can never compare to yours"

"Of course not. Her love is better than mines" She softly proclaimed slowly fading away

"W-Wait mama stay longer please" I pleaded having the urge to cry

"Remember to take care of her Monae and she'll do the same for you. I'll be back soon" Then she was gone and I broke down

I'm failing my mom and everyone around me. I need to do better and I'm going to start with the person I hate the most: Marcus

Unblocking Siah I called until he decided to answer

Siah🔫💉: Yo ass better me dying calling me at five in the fucking morning

: When visiting hours at the jail? I'm tryna holla at Marcus

Siah🔫💉: You couldn't text me or better yet, call me in the fucking morning. The fuck you up for anyways?

: Something crazy just happened. Mama came and talked to me like five minutes ago

Siah🔫💉: It's not cool to talk about dead people. Especially your damn mama

: I'm not playing. She talked about how she hand-picked Jelani for me

Siah🔫💉: Yeah and Barack Obama picked me to watch his dogs. Bye Moe

He hung up and I smacked my lips. I know what the fuck I saw

I laid back down barely getting any rest. Too excited about what could occur in the morning


"Why my granny ain't handpick me a bitch" Angel groaned loudly as we walked inside the jail

I brought this fool with me since her dad here too. He got arrested for some damn parking tickets

"That lady ain't dead" I loudly

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