Chaper 10

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(Tyson in Media)

•Jelani POV•

"Y-You fucking s-stupid"

I managed to get out between laughs. I'm currently listening to Moe tell the story of how she set her hair on fire.

"I was pissed the fuck off. I had just bought the hair a week before" I laughed even more

In the last three hours, I've learned so much about Monae Kristina Williams. Like her birthday is June 25, her favorite color is neon, she's the youngest of three kids, I saw her sexy tattoos and she told about growing up after her mom passed.

"Let me ask you something and don't lie," She asked all of a sudden

"Uhh okay"

"Who hurt you"

My normal facial expression quickly turned into a frown. I cleared my throat before speaking "What you mean by hurt?"

"I've never been in love but I can tell you have just by your change in body language. If it's too touchy you don't gotta tell me. I just wanted know who did that to someone so sweet like you"

Did she just call me sweet? That's probably the nicest thing she's said to me

"Her name is Unique. We knew each other since middle school but didn't start dating until freshman year since she was still in her questioning stage. Everything was good up until she began hanging with Hope. She cheated on me sophomore year with a dude" I chuckled to hold back the tears

I loved Unique with everything in me. Even when Bri would tell me something was going on I didn't believe her. I was head over heels and wasn't going to let anything ruin my happiness.

"Damn that's fucked up" Moe shook her head in disbelief

"Yeah but that was in the past. Unique lives in Portland and I'm in a better place"

I haven't talked about Unique in the two years she's gone and so much weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Arms wrapped around my waist and I was being pulled closer to Moe's chest "I'm not a hugger but you deserve one" She gave me one more good squeeze and pulled away

We stared into each other eyes and our faces were inching closer until my phone began to ring.

"Got damnit!" I cursed as I got the phone from my pocket and answered the call

Mommy👩‍👧💜: Thank God you answered

: Why do you sound so frustrated? What's wrong?

Mommy👩‍👧💜: I don't know how to say it. Lani dont get mad, please

I heard sniffles and her crying

: You're scaring me. What's wrong ?

Mommy👩‍👧💜: Your dad is in the hospital in critical condition

Wow, she picked a fine time to make jokes.

: Mama that's nothing to joke about

Mommy👩‍👧💜: I'm being serious as a heart attack. I'm at the hospital with him right

: What hospital?

Mommy👩‍👧💜: St.Bernards

: I'll be there as soon as I can

I hung up before she could say anything else. Moe wasn't in her original spot, she was gone

"Moe where you at?" I called out while putting my shoes and jacket on

"Come on" She hurriedly rushed from the back with her keys in her hand

"You wanna come?"

"I'm not letting you order a damn Uber this late at night so move your ass" Moe told me as she pulled her sweater over her head

"I drove over myself"

"Oh well I don't mind chilling in the passenger seat. Good thing we going to the hospital" She chuckled making me twist my face up

"What you tryna say?" I crossed my arms

"Nothing love" She exited the apartment and I followed behind her

"Lord I come to you so you can protect me during this car ride from hell. Let us get to our destination safely. Amen" She drew a cross over her chest

"You doing the most. I'm not a bad driver I promise" I started the car and drove off from the apartments

•Moe POV•

"What the fuck is wrong with you Jelani" I panted as I chased her

Not only did she almost kill us on the way here but she nearly got hit the paramedics.

"What room is Eric Sanchez in?" She asked the receptionist

"I need to see your I.D first ma'am"

"I don't have my I.D on me ma'am" Jelani rudely replied

"I'm sorry but I can't all-

"Look here bitch you gonna let me go to that room or I'll drag you from behind that desk"

"Do I need to call security?" The receptionist threatened Jelani picking up the phone

"That ain't even necessary Ms.Doubtfire" She gasped and I grabbed Jelani hand walking us to the waiting area

"I texted my mom. She'll be down in a second" I nodded and played with the end of my braids

"Thanks for coming with me"

"I ain't doing shit else"

Ms.Yessica came and got us in less than five minutes. We got on the elevator and followed her to a room at the end of the hall.

"He's awake and wants to meet you. Is that okay?" Ms.Yessica asked Jelani

I remember the first time seeing my mom at the hospital. I was scared yet happy to see her. Her brown skin was getting paler by th-

"Moe you listening" Jelani waved her hand in my face

"Sorry I zoned out. What'd you say?"

"Do you want to come inside"

"Sure I'll come" We followed Ms.Yessica inside and I held onto Jelani hand for comfort

This is something I can get used to. Me and Jelani being together and me loving every second of her presence even if she's annoying.

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