1. Awakening

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Kayleigh groaned as she felt the sun rays hit her face "Mom, why did you open the curtains?" She groaned cuddling into her pillow lazily.

She inhaled the sweet and charming scent of strawberies and moaned in pleasure. Her eyes opened slightly and the moment she saw the pink curtains, she knew she was in a foreign territory and her eyes shot open. She hated pink and she also hated things that were sweet and charming........ like strawberies. She sat up immediately and jumped off the bed.

An act she regretted immensely as her head began to throb. She took a muinite to steady herself and after a while, her head throbbed harder. A throb which had nothing to do with the fact that she stood up too quickly.

When the throb became bearable, she took a good look at her surroundings. She was in a large violet coloured room. It had pink curtains and sheets. A color crystal chandelier, an oak wardrobe, a large flat screen TV with a DVD, a make up mirror, a full lenght mirror, a beautiful pink desk with matching seat, and a bookshelf with only about twelve books on it. The bed was fluffy with lots of pink pillows of different shapes and sizes.
This was any sane girl's dream bedroom paradise but Kayleigh Murray wasn't any girl and she definitely wasn't sane.....so instead of acting like a normal girl at the right of a pretty room, she ugh-ed in half disgust and half amusement.

When she was done, she ran a hand through her hair trying to remember what sort of situation made her land here.  She was rewarded with shards from the previous night flashing through her mind. While going home from work, she got attacked and she fought them off until she was shot......with a tranquilizer. Before she passed out, she remembered someone, who was oddly familiar, come to her rescue and she remembered hearing a loud inhuman growl.

"Doesn't explain how I got here" she said to herself. Maybe she was kidnapped. The thought brought a frown to her forehead.

Even though it wouldn't be the first time, she wondered who would want to kidnap her. She looked around the room and her face stopped at the door to her right. She went to it and to her surprise, it opened easily. It made her wonder just what sort of person brought her there.
Going out the door, she saw a long hallway and looked to the two sides. No-one. That was a first. She took a deep breath and as quietly as she could she walked down the hallway until she reached a staircase. She sucked in a breath at the beauty of it. The stairs were a beautiful and rare shade of golden brown. The type that made you wonder if you were in a fairytale or a mafia house. The banisters looked like polished silver laced with gold. She acknowledged that whoever owned the place had to be swimming in wealth.

When she was done in fantasy world, she came back to earth and continued her quiet walk down the stairs. She stopped abruptly when she heared giggles. Were those girls? Taking a few more steps down, she was close enough to see a group of about 7 girls her age sitting in an extravagant living room. They seemed deeply into whatever it was they were talking about.
Kayleigh stood there for a second confused before she came up with an idea. Maybe she could just go back quietly into her room and slip in through the window escaping before she knew what she was escaping from. That was the rare rational Kayleigh talking and for the first time, she followed that Kayleigh without question. So, she tiptoed quietly backwards up the stairs......and she would have made it but she missed a stair and as a result slipped down a few stairs until she caught unto a railing to break her fall.

By the time her heartbeat and breathing were back to normal, she looked up to see a beautiful, petite blonde staring at her

"Hi" The girl said with a smile and for some sick, stupid reason, Kayleigh found herself smiling back.

"Hello" Kayleigh replied beacause for one the girl looked harmless and, she was sure she could handle more than 12 girls any time of the day without breaking a sweet.

"Are you okay?" The girl sounded genuinely worried bringing a light frown to Kayleigh's forehead

"I think so" She shrugged and they stared at each other in an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry. It's just that it's been so long since someone like you came here.

"Someone like me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Kayleigh asked and the girl shook her head

"Never Mind. I'm Cherry by the way" The girl said and Kayleigh nodded

"Kayleigh" She answered simply

" So, you want to hang out with us for a while?" Cherry asked and Kayleigh shrugged all plans of escape home from her mind as she nodded and followed Cherry down the stairs

"How did I get here?" She asked and Cherry turned to her as if in thought of what to say

"My brother brought you here" She answered after a while and with a sigh

"Your what?!" What the hell was she doing with this girl's brother; whoever he was

"He'll be back soon. He just went out for a while'' Cherry continued as if not hearing Kayleigh's wonder
"Why did he bring me here?" Kayleigh frowned

"You'd better ask him when he comes" Cherry said looking like she was hiding something but Kayleigh left it anyway because she was going to get full answers from 'her brother'.

When they reached down the the stairs, all the girls were looking at them. And even though Kayleigh practically grew up being the centre of attention, there was something in their stare that made her want to cringe.

"Kayleigh these are, Jenn, Lena, Martha and Margaret, Susan, Kayla and Jo. Girls this is Kayleigh" Cherry introduced

"Hey.....hi......whatsapp......how are you doing?" The girls said in a chorus of wordsand Kayleigh waved reluctantly. They were creeping the life out of her with their stare

"I can't believe this. It's so great to see you. We've been waiting years for you" the person who Kayleigh asumed to be Jenn said

"Why would you have to wait for me? Wait for what exactly?" Kayleigh asked her brows furrowed in confusion and watched Cherry glare at Jenn who looked down at her hands in embarrassment

"I didn't mean anything" Jenn corrected quietly and Kayleigh narrowed her eyes at her before shrugging. She'd get answers from Cherry's "brother"

About 10 muinites later when Kayleigh was just settling into their conversation, there was a noise indicating someone opening a door.

"Seems my brother's back"

"Finally. I have to get the hell out of here soon or my mother will destroy me"

"We'll just give you two some privacy" Cherry stood up and so did everyone else then they want in the direction of what Kayleigh was sure would be a back door.

"You're awake" The person who just came in stated......That voice. Her head whipped around to meet the dark brown eyes of Skyler Wesley

"You?" She frowned

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