6. A confusion

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Sky folded his hands as he looked at Chris waiting for an explanation.
"She can't be your mate" Chris said simply
"Really now?" Sky didn't bother to keep the mockery out of his voice "Why is that?"
"Because we have a connection" Chris answered and that wiped the smile from Sky's face.
"What?" He asked straightening his back and unfolding his arms
"You heared me Alpha" Chris used his usual mocking emphasis on the title "She is mine"

It only took a second for Sky to cross between the space between them and get his hands around Chris's neck. "Say that one more time and I will break you" Sky muttered his eyes flashing red
"Let go of me" His eyes were also turning an unnatural shade of green. Sky's hand tightened slightly "Let go" Chris insisted then started to pull Sky's hand from his neck.
"Let me set one thing clear Christopher" Sky started before letting to of Chris's neck "Kayleigh is my mate. We have the mate bond. Which is more than I can say for you. You're probably being jelous as usual and feeling things that ain't there. But, I'll warn you. Do not mess with me when it concerns her. Got it? "
"No. I know what I feel"
"Chrisopher" It was a sort of growl
"Don't growl at me Alpha. I'm not a juniour wolf"
"Christopher, stand down. I dont want things to get ugly"
"Oh really? Since when?"
"You....." Sky was cut short by the opening of his study door

Kayleigh stood at the door looking enraged. "In case you haven't noticed, yoivr kept me waiting for 20 muinites straight"
"This is a delicate situation Kayleigh. It would be better if you don't intefere" Sky said with a little scorn
"Lucky for you I have no intention nor interest to. You can both kill each other for all I care. All I want from you is to go home"
"That's an impossible request at least for now" Sky answered
"Now let me tell you something Wesley, I will get out of here with, or without your help" She promised
"Wesley?" Chris chuckled
"Shut up" Sky warned
"Make me" Chris challenged and although Sky tried his darndest not to get angry he didn't know when he went after Chris.
To Kayleigh they looked like colourful winds. She couldn't see much due to the speed with which they moved but she could see enough to know Sky was winning. Though Chris got lots of good hits in. He clearly wasn't a push over either. But then they were both at each other's throats.
"ENOUGH!!" Kayleigh concluded pushing them apart without touching them. Her own telekinesis. She raised Sky until he was on the wall
Chris's eyes were wide as he watched on not understanding what was happening. And then suddenly, Sky was in his feets again. He started stalking towards a confused looking Kayleigh. "Hybrid. Remember?" He asked and all the confusion cleared from her face to be replaced by a sort of fiery loath
"Stay the hell away from me Wesley. My powers may not work on you but I'll beat you black and blue if you come nee me" She sounded so sure. But everyone-including herself, knew that she couldn't fight him. She'd loose miserably.
Chris was half frozen in place. Kayleigh started moving back when Sky's steps ceseed to stop. She had to get yo the door. Once she did, she'd make a run for it. While Sky, who seemed to be the only one enjoying the situation, walked a little bit faster and with an annoying smirk towards Kayleigh. Just as she was about to hit the door, he moved quickly holding her by the wrist. "Let go of me you bull of a man"
"Sure. After I show Chris here that he has been a lunatic."
"I'll hit you were the sun doesn't shine if you don't let me go" She warned
"Look Kay, I'm tryi....."
"My name is Kayleigh not Kay" She reminded him
"You call me Wesley, I call you Kay"
That tipped her over the edge. She gave him a hard kick at the back of his knees. And though she felt the pain all the way to her head, she was well satisfied with the fact that he lost his stamina and went on one knee.
But for the love of all good things, his hold on her didn't loosen. The guts of this man, Kayleigh thought angrily bracing herself for a second kiss. But he did that thing where he moved so fast she had no idea where he was going to show up.
And then both her hands were behind her. And do was Sky. He held her in a position where she could do him no harm. "Let go"
"Sure" Sky's smile was directed towards Chris who was watching on with anger from intense jealousy burning in his pretty blue eyes. "As soon as he gets the message"

"Don't do it Sky" Chris looked a little horrified. "You'll hurt her"
"What makes you think I don't know that?" And with that, Sky picked the ancient knife that was in a part of his desk. It had translucent blades and a dark handle with engravings. No doubt a relic material. "I'm sorry for this in advance Kayleigh" And then he cut her palm.

He felt his stomach churn uncontrollably. His eyes crossed and he's whole existence seemed to shut down when he heard the light "Ahh" that escaped Kayleigh's lips. Sky's feelings rocketed around him like dust from a tornado. He felt...pain? No. Something much worse much deeper than that. He felt a deep worry and discomfort and frayed nerves and something much much more. He knew he'd feel the cut. It was part of the mate bond that he'd feel her pain or at least a similar imitation and he thought he was prepared. But nothing could prepare him for this wild thug of emotions.

And it was over a small cut. He found himself wondering what the pain would be like if she was actually hurt. The back of his head almost had paralysis at the thought. And he knew without a doubt, Kayleigh could never get hurt. He'd do anything and everything to protect her. Even lock her up in a 50ft. tower.
"You bastard. You've really gone mad. You....." Sky ignored her words and placed her bleeding hand on his neck. Better to get it over with so she'd heal.

From some distant place he could still hear Kayleigh reigning curses on him. She had switched to a new language. One he didn't recognize..and he spoke 96 languages fluently. And then her curses stopped abruptly. He looked down to see the blood was also gathered at the area where Kayleigh's cut was. He looked sharply at Chris. Angry now. Angry that he had to cut Kayleigh just to prove she was his. "Do you need more proof?" Because he wanted her to heal quickly, because he wanted Chris to go crazy with jelousy, but mostly because some external force was driving him to the extent he couldn't live another second without it, he pressed his lips on Kayleigh's.

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