20. Meet And Greet

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   The downside to getting stabbed, it made you weak. The upside? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Kayleigh grunted as she more or less twirled out of the way of the knife that swung at her again.

"Get her" After 2 more failed stabs, guy with the knife muttered it in annoyance to his minions
    She probably had one shot at this. At guessing what part of the paranormal specteum they were on. And if she didn't guess right or run fast enough, she knew she'd end up dead in this ugly conner while holding a half dead puppy to her side.

"I go with werewolves" She decided aloud as the men approached her. She waited until were close enough before she cast her spell. The same one she'd used on Sky the first day. They groaned at the same time holding their heads with both hands and she made a run for it. One arm holding the puppy, the other hand putting pressure on her wound. She praised the heavens that she had decided to wear a black top today. Imagine running down a semi crowded street at 11 a.m. in the morning wearing a baby blue shirt with blood gushing. Oh, the horror on people's faces

It took a muinite, but she finally got to a street crowded enough for safety and it had lots of shops. "Excuse me" She called to the woman selling flowers

"Hello Mon Belle, would you like some flowers?" The woman answered in a chic, fake French accent

"Um... Maybe another time ma'am. My dog is hurt. Could you please direct me to the nearest vet?"

"Mon dieu!!" The woman gasped as she saw the dog. "Lorenzo is just 7 shops down. Best vet I know. Takes care of them like 'iz children"

"Thanks" Kayleigh sighed then started to walk. She was starting to feel a little light headed by now.

How much blood can I actually loose before fainting, she wondered

A door bell rang as she opened the door and went into a chic space. There was a woman at a desk typing furiously into her phone her blood long red finger nails making loud sounds

"I need help. My dog is dying" Kayleigh asked and the woman looked up slowly

"Dr. Kayden is not in right now" She answered annoyed not looking up from her phone screen

"Well is they any other vet around?"

"Look lady, I'm not in the mood for 20 questions. Dr. Kayden is not in so take your dog and scram" She looked up to glare at Kayleigh who wanted nothing then to zap her with about 5 million Kvs of electricity

"Georgia, you're fired. Bring your dog here" A voice said from behind Kayleigh and she turned to see a tall,thin, malnourished looking man behind her. He looked like he had been on the street for days. Though his hair was clean, it was scattered and overgrown and not in a good way. His clothes seemed too big for his body and his eyes were hollow and empty. Unfeeling until he looked at the puppy in her hand with pity and compassion.

"Right through here miss"He started towards a door less entrance by the receptionist's left

Kayleigh was about to ask who he was when the receptionist spoke "Dr Kayden please..."

Dr Kayden? This sick looking man who looked like he would die in 5 seconds flat was Dr. Kayden?

"Hurry up or your dog could die" The man told her, his voice flat devoid of emotion totally free of the urgency of his words

Without a choice Kayleigh followed him. Georgia was still talking but they were both ignoring her until she huffed and started picking up her things.

"Lay her here" Dr. Kayden pointed to a clean, white work bench and then went to a sink to wash his hands before putting on a set of gloves "What happened?"

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