3. Annoyance

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She yelped in pain while he didn't even flinch. But he stopped and sighed loudly answering a question he had earlier ignored

"No. I'm not insane but you might be. Stop fighting me you'll only get hurt"

"Put me down" she sounded like a child who was about to throw a fit

"If you really want that......" he left her legs and she went down butt first unto the tiled floor by the stairs

"How dare....." She started

"You were the one who asked to be put down" He cut her with a nonchalant shrug

"Well you could have done it nicely. I might be a Valkyrian-Witch but I have human everything" she muttered not bothering to stand up so much as she sat on the floor and just glared at him

"A Val...what?" He asked with a frown

"Don't tell me you don't know who Valkyries are" She looked like she was laughing at him

"I thought that was in fairytales" He said truthfully

"You are a living hybrid and you thought Valkyries were fairytales?" She scoffed "How narrow minded"

"So, you are a hybrid too?" He asked ignoring her remark

"In your language, yes I am" now she stood up. "I wasn't pleased to meet you and I'm happily departing from you. It was a very educating and humiliating day for me but, I'm done. I'll hand in my resignation first thing tomorrow and hopefully I'll never see you again" She said extending her hands to him.
He took it, and held it a little too tight.
"What part of 'you are going to stay right here until I decide otherwise' don't you understand?"

"Let's see" she feigned thinking striking her chin dramatically for three full seconds "How about all the parts"

"Proves how dumb you are" he muttered sarcastically and she pursed her lips

"Look,Wesley......" She loved the sound of his surname on her lips

"Sky" he corrected

"Steven" Now she looked dead serious. "I don't know what you're going on about. Mate, safety blah blah blah. But trust me, you got the wrong girl. If you'll be so sensible as to let me go, I'll forget this" she gestured between them "never happened"

"No can do" he sounded bored

"Normally, I'd have tried to win your affection before telling you about this mate stuff and then, we wouldn't have been having this merry go round conversation"

"Then why didn't you?" She challenged

"Because you're in danger and the best way to protect you is keep you with the pack".

"In danger from what?"

"The packs are having a sort of war and will do anything to get to you"

"What sort of......." Then she remembered the previous night "The people from last night?" She asked and he hissed

"They're from the Habour Hood pack. You'll do well to stay far away from them. They're probably the most dangerous"

"Wait, why will they do anything to get me? Am I some sort of trophy?" Despite her resentment, she was a sucker for info so she had to know

"Because you're my mate" He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"And that's important why? What does your......" She thought for a moment before grinding the word she was searching for "Alpha have to say about this?"

"Sweetheart", he said laughter in his voice "I'm the Alpha. That's why they'll do anything to get you. If anything happens to you I'm gonna go a little haywire".

"Hmm. Well I'm flattered but, like I said you got the wrong girl"

"That's not possible sweetheart"

"I cannot stay here" She declared

"Why not?"

"First, my mom will be worried"

"I'll inform her"

"Second, I do not like being confined so there's no way I'm staying in this house until you decide otherwise. Hell will freeze over before I'll agree to that"

"Then I'll make hell freeze" That earned him a glare

"Again, I barely know you so there is no way in Oden's name that I am going to stay with you over some mate nonsense"

"It's not nonsense and you know it"

"Lastly, I don't have any stuff here which reminds me how awful I must look.......and smell" She was not going to get into a fight with him

"Cherry got you some stuff this morning. But of course considering how hot headed you are you didn't bother looking into any of the closets in your room"

"All in all", she continued as if he had said nothing "I am not staying. Maybe in our next life, we'll meet again and meet right but for now, go away" And she was completely serious

"Kayleigh," he scrubbed a hand across his face "I'm trying to be nice and considerate here. Look, I'm not going to force you to like me or anything like that. I'm going to try to be patient with you. But you cannot leave this house until I say so and that is non negotiable, got it?" He was almost yelling now his patience running as thin as he could manage

"And I'm telling you right now so get it into that thick wild life skull of yours. No one, not even my mother can tell me what I can or cannot do, where I can or cannot go and you definatly can't force me into anything so whether you like it or not, I will leave here and you have absolutely no say about it!"

"That's what you think" And with that he stalked out slamming the door so hard, the windows rattled.

"My brother can be a butt head sometimes" She heard from behind her and turned to see Cherry.

"Well, if he thinks he can keep me here, he is seriously mistaken" She said as she heard towards the door

"Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you" Cherry said shaking her head seriously and Kayleigh would have ignored her if not for the fact that immediately she opened the door, 6 pairs of eyes turned to her and stood in position. She didn't need a fortune teller to tell her that they were going to make sure she didn't move a step out of the house

"I am going to murder your brother damn the consequences" Kayleigh yelped slamming the door almost as hard as Sky did

"If that was possible trust me I'd have done it a long time ago"

"I stink. Literally" Kayleigh muttered
"Come on. I'll take you back to your room" Cherry offered and Kayleigh nodded. She'd figure out how to get out of there when she didn't smell like a sweaty man that slept a whole day after running a thousand miles.

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