12. Complications

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Sky sighed as he ducked Harry's fists which shot past his face.

"You're slow" Harry told him as a punch landed on his stomach. Groaning, he kicked out and it barely brushed Harry's knees.

"I can see your mate is driving you crazy. I'm not on the floor yet and we've been at this for about 35 muinites

"Don't get me started" Sky groaned as he barely dodged another hit aimed at his torso. "She's the most infuriating person ever to walk the earth. More infuriating than Chris and that's saying something"

"Whoa" Harry jumled back before Sky's fist could collide with his face. "Let's take a break"


"Cause you look like you'll kill someone if you don't get those problems off your chest."

"What, you're my psychiatrist now?"

"Emotional support bro. I'm here for you. You know i love you"

"Gross" Sky made a face as he caught the bottle of water Harry threw at him easily before they both settled on one of the benches in the training field and opened their bottles

"So, I take it she hasn't accepted you yet"

"Yup. I don't get it. She's one of us. She's not a human. She knows how all this works. I don't get why she's being so damn stubborn"

"What'd she say when you asked her?"

"Something about not wanting to be forced into anything she didn't want. Right to independence or some shit. It's not like I'm asking her to give her soul away. All I'm asking is for her to fvcking try. How hard can that be?"

"Where she at now?"

"Jenn's. She is visiting. They became friends. 2 days was all it took for them to become BFF" He gulped down the rest of his water "And now that she has a car, she'd probably never let me take her to work again. And that's like the only time we get to have conversations. I'm going crazy"

"Women will do that to you. Just give it time"

"Like i have a choice"

"What are you going to do about the full moon. It's in a few days" Sky froze

"Damn" It was almost a whisper "Damn" He said louder dragging a hand through his hair. The weather seemed to rise a few degrees and he felt like he was suffocating. He hadn't thought of that. How hadn't he thought of that? "She'll hate me"

"You have to be fully mated before then or you might hurt her"

"Tell me something i don't know"

"And she has to be marked too else that could get very ugly very fast"

"I know." He rubbed his temple. He couldn't get a headache but he felt something very akin to that. Worse "Shit"

"I don't even have any advice right now" Harry's voice was solemn. Laced with pity. He couldn't imagine what Sky must be going through

"Shit" He muttered again as various scenarios ran through his mind. None of them ended well. He needed to come up with a solution. And very very fast.

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Eucharia walked briskly and purposefully into the semi dark room. She walked through a long corridor and when she came to the end, she stopped and gave a sharp turn. "Where are you?" She yelled into the dark not bothering to look around. She wouldn't see unless they wanted her to

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