11. Friends and Potential Bitches

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Sky pulled into the lot of one of the largest companies in his territory. It required a new accounts manager and it had people he trusted to keep Kayleigh safe so it would be best for everyone involved.

She hadn't talked to him since the parking lot of the café. Once he thought he saw her look at him from the corner of her eyes but he couldn't be sure. He knew it wasn't easy for her but when she brought up disappearing again, his wolf had gone full protocol. And his control on his wolf these days was shaky at best.

"We're here" He announced and she opened her car door and got out without sparing him a glance. "Okay" He mumbled under his breath and also got out.

Kayleigh looked up at the building. It looked similar to the one in Chicago. About 20 stories, glass and blue walls. She wondered again where she was. The place didn't seem out of the ordinary. It looked just like any well flourishing town would. A well flourishing big town.

"Good morning Alpha" She heared people chorus and turned to see a group of people bow to Sky. They gave her weird looks but muttered good morning to her too.

'Who do you think she is? I've never seen her before' She heard one of the women in the group whisper

"Let's go" Sky gestured and she walked forward ahead of him looking around

"You know you do that a lot" Sky commented and she threw him a questioning look over her shoulder as they entered into the building. "Look around" He explained "even if you want to get out that bad i don't get how you always remember to look around. Do you really hate it that much?"

She paused midstep and Sky side stepped so he could look at her. She looked like she was thinking about something deep. Her eyes were a little darker and she was not looking him straight in the eye as she usually did.

"Hey" He frowned when she didn't reply. What was she thinking about? "Kay?" He put a hand on her shoulder and she jerked a bit "You okay?" He asked and she shrugged off his hand

"Perfect. I was wondering which way we were to go"

"You sure?"

"Wesley, don't you have a job to do or something? You should show me where I'm going to work so you can leave" Was her quirky reply. He raised his eyeballs to the high heavens

"A simple yes would be okay"

"Where's the fun in that?" She asked walking forward

"You're going the wrong way" Sky told her and she turned to him

"Whose fault is that?" She stopped to look at him. He just shook his head a smile playing on his lips and turned left. He moved slowly waiting for her to catch up to him before he increased his pace.

They got to the end of the way where an elevator was located and Sky pushed the button

"Why place an elavator in a corner?"

"It's a private elevator" Sky told her and she nodded

"What am i gonna  be doing anyway?"

"We need a new manager for the accounts department here. I figured you'd fit perfectly" He explained and she answered after a moment

"If you were not hell bent on keeping me kidnapped i might actually like you" The elevator opened then and he gestured for her to go in then went in after her

"Don't worry. I'll make you like me" He assured her "It's impossible for you not to"

"Oh really?"

"Do you know what matches made in heaven are? It's a belief that some people were created specifically for one another. That's what tge mate bond is. A match made in heaven or it's equivalent" Kayleigh scoffed at that "Plus, who wouldn't like a handsome, smart and rich guy?" His voice was teasing and it took Kayleigh a minute to understand his reference.
She turned to him sharply mouth open

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