4. Hit Or Miss

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Kayleigh looked at her reflection in the mirror studying herself. She'd managed to shower and change into blue jeans and a red tank top. She shallowly brushed her shoulder length brown hair then headed out. She clamped her lips around a curse as she bumped into someone who was about to knock.

Looking up, she saw Sky and took two full steps backwards "What do you want?" She asked quickly

"It's nice to see that you're making yourself at home" he stated and she scowled at him

"Look here Wesley, I will get out of
here the first chance I get and I promise you that when I do, you won't ever find me except in your dreams where I'll hunt you till you never want to be born as a werewolf ever again" She promised and even though he scowled at her holding a growl, the thought of never seeing her again was giving his stomach a very uneasy feeling and his wolf was eating at him but he breathed deeply, controlling his emotions before he spoke again

"I'd love to see you try, Kay. Though I doubt you'll succeed, it will be fun to watch how clever you can get" he smirked and she fought an urge to punch him

"Why are you here? I doubt it's to have a chit chat with me" She asked suspiciously ignoring the fact that he shortened her name. No one had ever shortened her name before.
"I can do whatever I want with you. You Are Mine" For some reason, he felt angry that she was looking at him with so much suspicion. In truth, he expected it. In fact, he had expected worse but he hadn't expected to be so affected by it. He had never been mates before so the feeling was foreign.
"I am not yours!" She insisted vehemently and he took another steady breath. Let it go, Sky.

"Come on, lunch is served" he said and she eyes him determining whether to go or not. Not waiting for an answer, he stalked away leaving her to either follow him or stay where she was. Her mind was made up after 3 seconds. She needed her energy if she wanted to escape and to get energy, she needed food. So she followed him. He went down the stairs reaching the living room before taking a left and heading straight ahead until they reached a medium sized yellow room with an 8 people, thick glass dinning table with plush cushioned seats. The table has already been laid out for four. Kayleigh looked at him in question when he turned to her
"I didn't think you'd be comfortable if it was just the two of us. And Cherry is around so...." he answered the question she hadn't even asked

"Aren't you just so considerate" Kayleigh mocked. She didn't want him to be nice to her. She wanted to hate him without feeling guilty

"Can't you just try to make this work?" He asked and she shook her head

"I do not try to make it work with men who think it's okay to kidnap a girl and lock her in a house"

"Just sit down and have a meal. We'll talk about it later."

"If you think you're going to talk me into......"

"Hey Man!" A voice said cutting Kayleigh and Sky turned to see a black American guy with curly hair coming in. He had beautiful chocolate eyes and peach lips with an accentuated upturned nose.

"Harry" Sky answered and gave him a brotherly hug

"Who's this angel?" Harry asked taking Kayleigh's hand and was going to kiss it when Sky growled and pulled her hand away.

"My mate" he growled out and Harry looked surprised for a muinite before he whistled

"Really?" Harry asked

"No" Kayleigh answered immediately looking straight at Sky. "I am not your mate so stop disturbing my peace of mind with stuffs like that" she said and started up the stairs, angry. She had lost all her apetite. She wasn't anyone's property.

"Lunch?" Sky asked and she turned to him to size him up before continuing up the stairs. The nerve of the guy.

"What does she mean she's not......" Harry trailed off with a gasp "You can't be serious" his eyes were wide

"No. She's not a wolf" Sky answered the question in Harry's eyes. It took a muinite before Harry finished processing
"Then, shouldn't she be cowering in fear?" Harry asked and Sky shrugged

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Oh, Cherry invited me for lunch" he stated

"Cherry?" Sky asked with a scoff "invited you" he pointed at Harry "for lunch"

"Yup. I was actually as surprised as you are when she called but come on, who would turn down a request from Alpha Sky's sister?" He said with a wink

"You are insane if you think for one moment that I will allow you to go out with Cherry, you're freaking insane"

"I think you're forgetting which one of us gets to say things like that" Cherry's happy voice said from the main dinning room which was a very large room with a table that could house about 600.

"Why did you call him here Cher?" Sky asked the moment she came into view

"Well, you obviously need someone to teach you how to be gentleman" Cherry said and Sky frowned for a moment before he sighed

"Harry, get out" he ordered and the man shrugged at Cherry then went in the direction of the front door "What the hell?" Sky asked and Cherry tutted

"Calm down you big Ogre. I was trying to help you"

"I do not need your help Cherry. I don't want anyone to find out about Kayleigh and I's misunderstanding"

"Come on Harry is bound to find out sooner or later"

"Just let me handle this myself" Sky said then stormed off

"You and your vicious temper" Cherry murmured loud enough for him to hear but he ignored it cleverly.

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Kayleigh looked out the window and saw five guys roaming around it. "Damn you Skylar Wesley" She muttered under her breath. She didn't even bother thinking of a way to fight them. She couldn't fight them. They were stronger and faster. She sat on the bed and thought of an escape route and when it came to her, she smiled victoriously then stood up to put her plan to action.

Kayleigh looked down the window of the small store room she had found and replayed her plan in her mind. It was quite simple. She tip-toed around till she found a room where there was not a lot of people outside the window. She found the store room and luckily, there was only one husky man prowling the premises.
And now, she thought as she dropped the rope she made out of tied clothes out the window, she was going to climb down, use the pillars as cover and escape this house. Then, she'd find her way home and pretend none of it ever happened.

Climbing down the rope was easy. She was a well trained fighter after all though she did everything she could to get out of defence class. Luckily for her, the man had his back turned and she quietly stepped down then pulled down the rope and hid it wishing more than anything that she could use her powers but of course she had to be on an edge where too much magic would mean eternal craze.
"Who's there?" A voice asked and without thinking Kayleigh ducked behind a pillar. She watched not breathing as he came closer to her. Then, he stood just in front of the pillar. One more step and he'd see her.
She held her breath and did a light turning so she was on the other side of the pillar. The man looked around again and seemingly satisfied, he went back. Kayleigh sighed in relief then tip toed on not sure where she was going. She dragged a hand through her hair determining where to go, there would surely be people around the house. She had just made up her mind to try to slip into the forest just beside the house when she heared a light growl and in the blink of an eye she was pinned to the ground by someone with curly blonde hair.

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