A Simple Soul

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Here we go again my lovely readers! Here is another chapter of So The Hunt Begins Again... I do sincerely hope you enjoy!

I hung onto every word Weiss spoke. Everything she taught me about Remnant was wonderful, I do so enjoy learning new things. I would listen to old Djura tell stories about simpler times, when the Powder Kegs were still around anyhow. They had all but died out not long ago. All but three, Djura and his two companions. Truly a sad story but it is the past. Weiss told me everything she knew, even an old fairy tale about Maidens. I have no idea who they were or if they even existed but all folklore has some truth behind it. Ruby and Yang had fallen asleep about an hour into the lesson, propped against each other on two chairs. Blake was simply reading but she looked up occasionally to listen in.

I could feel myself start to drift, and though I wanted to keep listening, my body wasn't having any of that. Rather than fall asleep as Ruby and Yang had, I ask Weiss if we could pick the lesson back at a later time. She looked a little sad at first, but nodded and stood to leave, but not before kicking Ruby awake causing Yang to jump to her feet, ready for a fight but still groggy. The team collected themselves and departed, and I was alone again. In an infirmary of all places, I feel a strange sense of nostalgia wash over me and I lay my head back to let sleep take me. I couldn't remember the last time I had a good nights rest.

I was hoping for a good nights sleep, but here I sat in the dream again, next to the doll on her little ledge. How did I get back here? I know there was a lantern in the dorm room but I thought nothing of it. So here I am sitting with my head in my hands with a half-empty blood cocktail at my feet. The place itself makes me feel lighter on my feet but damn if there isn't a soul-crushing silence here. I thought I was free of this place. I didn't want to come back here. I almost jumped out of my skin when a soft but familiar voice spoke behind me. "Hello Good Hunter." No way was she up is what I thought until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure you are surprised to be back here." Understatement of the century. She must've seen the concern on my face and pointed over my shoulder and to the fence just by the great tree. There to my amazement or horror, I'm not quite sure yet, sat a giant monster or beast. Whatever it was, it looked peaceful. I stare for a moment more and look back to the Doll with a questioning gaze. She gives a small smile and says. "That is the Moon Presence, she is the reason you are here. She brought you back after Gehrman let you go." What? Why? I have so many questions. "Why did she bring me back?" The Dolls smile grows a bit larger. "She loves you, Good Hunter. Like a mother loves a son. She knows you're special." How was I special? I looked back to the Moon Presence to see her not beyond the fence staring, but rather less than a foot from my face. Staring intently. "I...um?" The Doll put her hands on my shoulders. "It is okay, Good Hunter, she will not harm you." The Moon Presence looked to the Doll then back to me and what I assumed what a nod. "Protect you." A deep but gentle voice bellows. "Keep you safe, My Hunter." I raise an eyebrow at her. "Sleep." With those words, I feel myself slump back against the doll and fall to sleep.

I awoke with a jolt sitting up in my bed. Thankful that this bed was not in an infirmary, in the center of a dying city. Ruby sits at the foot of my bed reading what looked like blueprints, oblivious to my awakening. I clear my throat and she jumped from her seat dropping her book. "Sorry about that." She shook her head and smiled. "It's fine." She moved to my bedside. "So how are you feeling?" She pointed to my chest. I patted it lightly and nodded to her. "All healed up." She smiled brightly. "Professor Ozpin said to take you to his office once you woke up. You ready to go?" I lifted the blanket and got to my feet wanting to jump back to the warm bed once my bare feet hit the cold floor. "Um, Ruby?" She turns to me. "Where are my clothes." I was wearing a hospital gown with shorts. Ruby's face flushes and she quickly turns and points to a chair with a beacon uniform, my cloak, and hat hanging next to it. "The rest of your stuff is in the dorm. I'll be outside." She sped away in a flurry of petals. I smile and make my way over to the chair. I pull the gown off and caught sight of myself in a mirror. Wow, I looked...terrible. I had scars running over my entire body a large 'x' shaped scar over my right eye and a new large one running across the center of my chest. I don't think I've ever stopped and looked at myself before now. I don't know if these scars prove that I had lived in a hellish world or lived a hellish life. I decided they meant I was strong enough to come out on top and I conquered my hell. I put the uniform on throw my cloak on top of it and set my hat firmly on my head, the bandage covering my eye with the scar. Hopefully the Headmaster wouldn't mind a few uniform changes.

I arrive at an elevator with Ruby and she hit the button to call it. Glynda was waiting behind the door and beckoned us in. We enter, another button is pressed and we're on our way up. The door opens to show the same office but with new people. A man with a tattered cloak was stood at Ozpins desk leaned over and inspecting the Burial Blade while sipping from a small flask. He looks strangely familiar, but I couldn't place his face. Perhaps another Hunter I met during my time on the hunt. "Ah, welcome Edgar." The man looks over his shoulder and is met with a red blur slamming into him. To his credit, he only stumbled a bit. "Uncle Qrow!" Ruby clung to his arm and smiled brightly. "Didja miss me?" He put on a serious expression for a moment and smiled back at her. "Nope." He smirked at her and she laughed and hopped off his arm. He turned to me "So you're the new guy?" I nodded at him. "Well welcome to the club kid." He smiles and sips again from his flask. I need to get one of those. "You here to get your Aura unlocked by ol' Ozzy here? Become a full-fledged Huntsman." I smirk and nod. "Technically Edgar here is already a Hunter." I raise an eyebrow at this. Did I explain the difference? "What's the difference?" Ozpin gives a small chuckle at Qrow. "Our dear Edgar hunts beasts." I nod. "So? We hunt Grimm. Same thing right?" Ozpin shook his head. "His hunt is very different Qrow, he hunts a different kind of beast." I look at Ozpin, perplexed. How did he know this? I never told him any of this. He knew I was from Yharnam but he didn't know what a hunt entailed. He was hiding something I know it. "I'll tell you later Qrow, for now, we are here to unlock this young man's aura." Ozpin stands and beckons me over. I stand before him and he asks if I am ready. I nod yes and he begins what sounds like a small prayer. A bright light flashes before us and lights the tower with the most magnificent light I have ever witnessed. It was though I saw my soul brighten and come to life around me, lighting the room in a strange crimson color. The flash was magnificent. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I went blind for a moment. In the back of my head, I feel a wave of happiness wash over me and hear a deep and gentle voice. "Well done, my Good Hunter." Almost in a whisper, a second voice follows the first, it sounds deeper and angrier. Seemingly mocking the first voice.

"Oh yes, very well done indeed...My Good Hunter."

Another chapter done later than intended, but here it is none the less! If you do enjoy please leave a comment, feedback is greatly appreciated! Props to my wonderful editor for reviewing this chapter!

Apologies on the timing of this chapter. Procrastination is a killer, be aware of it. -Editor 

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